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Preposition for "through"

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Preposition for "through"

Postby yinfonn » June 29th, 2014 2:02 pm

So i'm trying to say "Dance through the danger" which i first thought to myself would be "Kiken wo tsuujite odoru" or "Kiken wo odoru no tsuujite ni"

But i've been hunting about google and this forum itself and it all comes with different answers.

So in a nutshell, i don't quite understand how the preposition of "through" is used, or even what word in japanese the word "through" is at the moment as there are so many words that translates to "through"

Nor do i know if my translations even make sense at the moment but i assume "Kiken o odoru no tsuujite ni" would be close to the translation "Dance through the danger"

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Re: Preposition for "through"

Postby thegooseking » June 29th, 2014 3:05 pm


I'm not actually convinced that 'tsuujite' is the right word (it tends to mean more like 'via'), but I'm also not convinced you need it. Maybe you could just say "Kiken o odoru", since the particle 'o' means 'through' for verbs of motion, which 'odoru' can be (but isn't always). But I'm not sure 'kiken' on its own would count as a place you could really dance 'through'. I would tentatively suggest that "kiken no naka o odoru" might be better, but I'm not sure how correct that is.


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Re: Preposition for "through"

Postby community.japanese » June 30th, 2014 1:08 am

Thank you for the explanation.

Through is used like those below.

1.I come through the difficulty stronger than before.

2.I go through adversity.

3.I succeed through his help.

4.I learn through experience.

As you know each word has several meanings.
If you say "Kiken wo tsuujite odoru", the meaning is like the sentence number 4.
I think you want to say “dance in a dangerous situation”,
In that case, as 小狼さんsaid, "kiken no naka o odoru" is the best.

I hope it could help. :D

Yuki 由紀

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Re: Preposition for "through"

Postby yinfonn » June 30th, 2014 4:06 pm

arigatou gozaimasu for the answers! 小狼さん, 由紀

I guess that clears most of my concerns about using this preposition!

Although i think i got quite a bit of practice to do as you did mention each word has serveral meanings which will end up confusing me!

But my answer is well... answered!



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Re: Preposition for "through"

Postby community.japanese » July 2nd, 2014 3:28 am


We are happy it’s clear even though you said you needed practices.
If you have questions, please feel free to ask us again.

Yuki 由紀

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