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I have several questions about Japanesepod101

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I have several questions about Japanesepod101

Postby johnfb » June 24th, 2014 6:10 pm

1. Is there a lesson or a series of lessons on how to conjugate verbs (the way I like it) or is everything scattered around in small pieces? If in small pieces, is there a lesson or lessons that ties everything to gether? I thought it would be in the Bonus Cources but no dice.
2. You give PDF's on the kanji but no stroke order. Where do I find the stroke order?
3. You have a kanji page (newbee and beginner) with four columns but I couldn't find an explaination of the columns and how the information is to be used.

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Re: I have several questions about Japanesepod101

Postby MicahT » June 25th, 2014 12:31 pm

1. I'd like to know as well, a series dedicated to verbs and it's conjugations would be very helpful!

2. I have found invaluable as an online Japanese-English dictionary, kanji stroke orders included.

3. Which page are you talking about? If you mean Kunyomi/Onyomi readings it was very well explained here viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7032&p=38923&hilit=onyomi#p38923 in the replies

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Re: I have several questions about Japanesepod101

Postby lauralanda » June 30th, 2014 3:40 am

Hello MicahT,
Hi johnfb,

Thank you for all your comments and questions.
You can find information about Japanese Grammar using this tool from our website:
We also have the video series called: Learn Japanese Grammar Video - Absolute Beginner:

If you want to study the Japanese writing system, we recommend you to start with this videos:

For more information please, send us an email to:

Kind regards,

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