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Android Phone Apps ?

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Android Phone Apps ?

Postby wccrawford » February 11th, 2009 3:57 pm

Has anyone found any good apps for Japanese study on the Android OS for mobile phones? It's the open source one by Google that's on the T-Mobile G1 and the HTC Dream, for those wondering.

Is anyone writing any, or planning on it?

I saw the kanji flashcards app, but wasn't impressed. Only 50 kanji so far and not a great interface.

I plan to write some myself... Not entirely sure what yet. I'm considering something to interface with iKnow and create quick study lists on the go. I'm also considering trying to help get Anki working on it. Maybe a dictionary app.

As always, I have more dreams than time, so... We'll see. :)

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » February 15th, 2009 10:34 pm

We're planning on looking into Android development sometime in the future.
Manager of Mobile & Mac Applications
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