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Another Iphone/Ipod Touch App's Poll

Moderators: Moderator Team, Admin Team

Which Do You Use Most (ipod touch/iphone users)

No votes
"Japanese flip"
"Jisho touch"
No votes
Another App
Total votes: 6

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Another Iphone/Ipod Touch App's Poll

Postby stevesayskanpai » November 26th, 2008 5:57 am

Ok my initial question wasn't so successful, so after getting off my ass and actually doing some research it seems to me these three programmes are the best options available for the Ipod touch.

How do they compare, how would you rate them and are there any better alternatives?


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Postby SmilingRob » December 11th, 2008 8:00 pm

I use Kana Flip and Lexicon. Lexicon works with Chinese too.

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Postby mikepinkerton » December 15th, 2008 1:44 am

I use KanaFlip ("another app"). I like it.


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Postby MichaelMcDonald » December 15th, 2008 8:15 pm

Since you can only vote for one, I chose 'Japanese', although I use 'Japanese Flip' almost just as much. In fact, I've recently started switching back and forth between the two: after seeing a word in Japanese Flip that I don't know or remember, I switch over to Japanese and look it up, reviewing the separate kanji characters in the word and their separate meanings - especially useful is Japanese's usage examples in other compounds.

I find this a really efficient way to study new words. I'm only on JLPT level 3 in Japanese Flip, but I've been stuck recently so I'm hoping this new approach will help me. I'm also using Japanese to finally read some manga books in japanese (宇宙戦艦ヤマト), looking up basically every single kanji word - but usually understanding most of it, which was my original goal in starting to learn japanese in the first place just 11 months ago. definitely gets most of the credit for getting me hooked and keeping my interest up the entire time. I took JLPT 4 last week and I'm sure I did really well, again thanks mostly to japanesepod101!


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