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Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia lesson 10. To Guffaw or to Groan.
なつこ: こんにちは、なつこです。Hi everyone, this is Natsuko.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring the world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
なつこ: そうですね。There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語 and 擬態語.
Peter: 擬音語are the true onomatopoeia that mimics sounds like our English onomatopoeia.
なつこ: Such as ワンワン
Peter: or
なつこ: にゃんにゃん
Peter: Meow, Meow. 擬態語on the other hand describes the situation, feeling or state using sound.
なつこ: Such as ぺらぺら
Peter: Fluent in a foreign language. So we hope you would join us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s get on with the lesson. Natsuko san, this onomatopoeia lesson is designed to review the onomatopoeia we learned from lessons 6 to lesson 9 with a dialogue.
なつこ: Great.
Peter: Now, how many onomatopoeia are we going to review?
なつこ: 7個ですWe have seven onomatopoeia in the dialogue.
Peter: Which are?
なつこ: ガミガミ、ゲラゲラ、にこにこ、へらへら、シクシク、ブーブー、ネチネチ
Peter: Now again, you have to hear them in context to fully understand them. Today’s conversation is between
なつこ: Two boys, they are だいきand ひろし.
Peter: The conversation takes place at
なつこ: Maybe at school.
Peter: And it seems like the speakers are classmates. So they will be using
なつこ: Informal Japanese.
Peter: Let’s listen to the conversation.
1. ひろし: うちの母さん、勉強しろって、ガミガミうるさいんだよ。
2. だいき: 大変だな。
3. ひろし: いいなぁ、だいきの家は。。。
4. だいき: でも、先月大変だったよ。
5. ひろし: それで?
6. だいき: 最初、しくしく泣いてた。
1. ひろし: うちの母さん、勉強しろって、ガミガミうるさいんだよ。
2. だいき: 大変だな。
3. ひろし: いいなぁ、だいきの家は。。。
4. だいき: でも、先月大変だったよ。
5. ひろし: それで?
6. だいき: 最初、しくしく泣いてた。
1. ひろし: うちの母さん、勉強しろって、ガミガミうるさいんだよ。
2. だいき: 大変だな。
3. ひろし: いいなぁ、だいきの家は。。。
4. だいき: でも、先月大変だったよ。
5. ひろし: それで?
6. だいき: 最初、しくしく泣いてた。
1. HIROSHI: My mom is always nagging at me and telling me to study.
2. DAIKI: Sounds rough. My mom is always watching TV with me and
laughing out loud.
3. HIROSHI: Man, I like your family... everyone's always all smiles.
4. DAIKI: But last month was a bit rough. My dad forgot my mom's birthday...
5. HIROSHI: Then what?
6. DAIKI: Well at first, she was quietly crying about it. But my dad didn't take it
seriously and didn't apologize, so then she started to gripe about it.
And after that, she wouldn't let it go and kept moaning and groaning
for about a week.
Peter: Natsuko san,
なつこ: はい。
Peter: To be honest, I don’t know how useful this lesson is for someone.
なつこ: They are really useful.
Peter: You think so. I don’t think they are very useful.
なつこ: Why?
Peter: Well the reason I say that is, think about it. It seems like maybe someone who is familiar with a groaning or pouting person, so they are going to have to describe that. So it’s not really talking about a person in a very positive way.
なつこ: Well there are some positive onomatopoeia as well.
Peter: But think about this. You know, like Natsuko san, imagine, you know, we are married and you know, you are kind of complaining and I say to you, Natsuko san ネチネチ文句言わないでください what do you think is going to happen to me.
なつこ: Well umm, you can use in other ways. You don’t need to directly say it to the person.
Peter: Yeah so translation is, you would never dare say that to me. Now these are very, very useful but again, they are kind of used for describing umm, not the most positive situation. So yeah as Natsuko said, you don’t want to say it directly to the person except for maybe the laughing one, that was pretty good. Let’s look at the vocabulary for this lesson. Natsuko san, first word.
なつこ: 家族
Peter: Family.
なつこ: (slow) かぞく (natural speed) 家族
Peter: Next word
なつこ: 先月
Peter: The last month.
なつこ: (slow) せんげつ (natural speed) 先月
Peter: Next word
なつこ: 誕生日
Peter: Birthday.
なつこ: (slow) たんじょうび (natural speed) 誕生日
Peter: Next word
なつこ: 忘れる
Peter: To forget.
なつこ: (slow) わすれる (natural speed)忘れる
Peter: Next word
なつこ: 謝る
Peter: To apologize.
なつこ: (slow) あやまる (natural speed) 謝る
Peter: Okay Natsuko san, let’s take a closer look at some of these onomatopoeia. What is the first one we are going to look at?
なつこ: The first one is ゲラゲラ
Peter: Can we have this sentence from the dialogue?
なつこ: うちの母さんは、一緒にテレビを見て、ゲラゲラ笑ってるよ。
Peter: My mom is always watching TV with me and laughing out loud. Natsuko san, can you drop the onomatopoeia and say the same sentence again?
なつこ: Sure うちの母さんは、一緒にテレビを見て、ゲラゲラ笑ってるよ。
Peter: My mom always watches TV with me and laughs.
なつこ: Well since 笑う could mean to laugh, to smile or to grin and so on. So without the onomatopoeia, it’s not even clear whether the mother is smiling or laughing.
Peter: That’s a very, very good point. I remember one time like I was smiling at this person and she said to me
なつこ: Yes.
Peter: なに笑ってるlike up until that point, I was kind of associated with 笑うwith to laugh.
なつこ: Out loud?
Peter: Yeah but she is like, what are you smiling at?
なつこ: Right.
Peter: So as we learned in onomatopoeia lesson 6 ゲラゲラ describes the sound of guffawing in a rather loud voice. Natsuko san, kind of like a….
なつこ: ははははは
Peter: So by adding ゲラゲラ the listener can picture that the mother is laughing out loud. In this conversation, we can see the contrast between the image of Daigi’s mother laughing out loud and Hiroshi’s mother complaining loudly.
なつこ: Right. ひろしのお母さんは、いつもガミガミ怒っています。でも、だいきのお母さんは、いつもゲラゲラ笑っています。
Peter: What’s the second onomatopoeia we are going to review?
なつこ: ブーブー
Peter: Now in the dialogue, we have
なつこ: ブーブー文句を言い出したんだ。
Peter: Started to gripe about it. There is no subject in the sentence. So can you put in the subject and say the same sentence again please.
なつこ: 母さんは、ブーブー文句を言い出したんだ
Peter: My mother started to gripe about it. And this time, drop the onomatopoeia please.
なつこ: 母さんは文句を言い出しだんだ
Peter: My mother started to complain. So without the onomatopoeia, how the mother complained isn’t very clear.
なつこ: Right.
Peter: So the listener can know how the complaint was made by using ブーブー
なつこ: ブーブー文句を言うmeans to complain loudly and it’s a little similar to the English word booing
Peter: So Natsuko san, do you think ブーブーis the same as booing
なつこ: Well it sounds similarly but not exactly the same. ブーイングin Japanese is .ブーイング
Peter: That’s the word for it.
なつこ: Yes, the exact word.
Peter: Yeah in the Japanese, here it’s like a baseball game. They went to [*ブーイング、ブーイング]. So it’s just a word to describe the action of actually booing
なつこ: But they do actually say ブー
Peter: Yes that’s why it’s a little tricky here. This is actually really useful because ブーブー is also an onomatopoeia for a sound a pig makes.
なつこ: Yes right. It’s also used for the sound that automobile makes like ずんずん
Peter: Is that when the horn is honked?
なつこ: Not actually the horn….
Peter: What kind of sound?
なつこ: But it’s the sound the engine makes ぶっぶっー
Peter: Ah!
なつこ: So usually used by small children but ブーブー sometimes stands for cars.
Peter: And then we have a little variation on it where the first vowel is short but the second one is long meaning incorrect.
なつこ: ぶっぶっー
Peter: So there is quite a few onomatopoeia with this sound.
なつこ: Rather confusing.
Peter: But of course in the conversation, we can show the transformation of the mother from when she first cries weekly to when she starts complaining loudly.
なつこ: そうですね。お母さんは、最初シクシク泣いていて、それからブーブー文句を言いました
Peter: So it’s very visual. She went from to
なつこ: So mood changed dramatically.
Peter: And of course, these are very useful words for really spicing up your Japanese and really being very descriptive with your words.
なつこ: Yes.


Peter: Okay that just about does it for today. Be sure to stop by the website japanesepod101.com and pick up the lesson notes. There you will find the detailed write up of onomatopoeia that appeared in this lesson. Also on the website, you can access some of the previous lessons. With a basic or premium membership, you can access all the audio and lesson notes from this and other lessons.
なつこ: We hope that your life is full of にこにこ
Peter: Smiling widely. That’s going to do for today.


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