
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Lori’s Story 20. Let’s talk tickets. Getting around in Japan. Naomi-sensei, what do we have today?
Naomi: 今日は… (Kyō wa…)
Eric: Or I should ask where are we going today?
Naomi: えぇ?(Ee?)
Eric: Okay, so we are not going anywhere but Lori is.
Naomi: You will find out in a dialogue.
Eric: Waw, Naomi-sensei, why are you so cruel? So cruel, making me wait?
Naomi: In the previous story, 静 (Shizuka) was asking Lori if she is free on the weekend, right?
Eric: Yeah, that’s right.
Naomi: So it seems like they are going on excursion trip with Mizuki-san and today we are focusing on the usage of 行きます (ikimasu), to go.
Eric: Yeah, it makes sense because they are going on the train right and before we go along with them, I just want to remind you that if – to all the listeners out there, if you are listening on an iPod or an iPod touch or an iPhone, click the center button or tap the screen to see the notes for this lesson while you listen.
(新宿駅) (Shinjuku Eki)
水木 (Mizuki) : 松本まで、大人八枚お願いします。(Matsumoto made, otona hachi-mai onegai shimasu.)
駅員 (ekiin) : 八時のあずさ二号ですか。(Hachi-ji no Azusa ni-gō desu ka.)
水木 (Mizuki) : はい。自由席、お願いします。(Hai. Jiyūseki, onegai shimasu.)
水木 (Mizuki) : はい、ロリーさんの切符です。(Hai, Rorī-san no kippu desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ありがとうございます。今日の予定は?(Arigatō gozaimasu. Kyō no yotei wa?)
水木 (Mizuki) : まず、長野県の松本に行きます。(Mazu, Nagano-ken no Matsumoto ni ikimasu.)
もう一度、お願いします。今度は、ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Kondo wa, yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
水木 (Mizuki) : 松本まで、大人八枚お願いします。(Matsumoto made, otona hachi-mai onegai shimasu.)
駅員 (ekiin) : 八時のあずさ二号ですか。(Hachi-ji no Azusa ni-gō desu ka.)
水木 (Mizuki) : はい。自由席、お願いします。(Hai. Jiyūseki, onegai shimasu.)
水木 (Mizuki) : はい、ロリーさんの切符です。(Hai, Rorī-san no kippu desu.)
ロリー (Rorī) : ありがとうございます。今日の予定は?(Arigatō gozaimasu. Kyō no yotei wa?)
水木 (Mizuki) : まず、長野県の松本に行きます。(Mazu, Nagano-ken no Matsumoto ni ikimasu.)
今度は、英語が入ります。(Kondo wa, Eigo ga hairimasu.)
(新宿駅) (Shinjuku Eki)
(Shinjuku station)
水木 (Mizuki) : 松本まで、大人八枚お願いします。(Matsumoto made, otona hachi-mai onegai shimasu.)
MIZUKI: Eight adults for Matsumoto please.
駅員 (ekiin) : 八時のあずさ二号ですか。(Hachi-ji no Azusa ni-gō desu ka.)
STATION CLERK: Would you like to take the Azusa #2 departing at 800 p.m.?
水木 (Mizuki) : はい。自由席、お願いします。(Hai. Jiyūseki, onegai shimasu.)
MIZUKI: Yes. Non-reserved seats, please.
水木 (Mizuki) : はい、ロリーさんの切符です。(Hai, Rorī-san no kippu desu.)
MIZUKI: Here's your ticket, Lori.
ロリー (Rorī) : ありがとうございます。今日の予定は?(Arigatō gozaimasu. Kyō no yotei wa?)
LORI: Thank you. What's the plan for today?
水木 (Mizuki) : まず、長野県の松本に行きます。(Mazu, Nagano-ken no Matsumoto ni ikimasu.)
MIZUKI: First, we will go to Matsumoto in Nagano prefecture.
Eric: Naomi-sensei, completely totally wrong in our predictions.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) You said 日光 (Nikkō) and I said 山梨 (Yamanashi), right?
Eric: Yeah and I even threw Disneyland out there. Totally way off.
Naomi: So they are going to Matsumoto in Nagano prefecture. 長野県の松本に行きます。(Nagano-ken no Matsumoto ni ikimasu.)
Eric: And Matsumoto is famous for their huge castle, right?
Naomi: Yeah famous castle called 松本城 (Matsumoto-jō). I think that’s one of the most famous castles in Japan.
Eric: Apparently it’s super old, right?
Naomi: うーん、かな?(Ūn, ka na?)
Eric: Naomi-sensei, have you ever been to Nagano?
Naomi: はい。善光寺とか行きました。(Hai. Zenkō-ji toka ikimashita.) I have been to Zenkōji.
Eric: Oh the big temple?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: And what did you do there?
Naomi: Sightseeing.
Eric: You don’t pray?
Naomi: Yeah, yeah I did. I did.
Eric: Oh yeah?
Naomi: Yeah. Have you ever been to the Zenkōji area, too?
Eric: I have never been to Nagano.
Naomi: Okay.
Eric: They had the winter Olympics here. So that means it must get pretty cold.
Naomi: そうです、そうです。(Sō desu, sō desu.) And they have good apples and Soba noodles.
Eric: Yeah, those are great. I have never actually – Obviously, I have never been there. So I have never had the noodles from there but I have had them in Tokyo and they are amazing.
Naomi: 次は、単語です。(Tsugi wa, tango desu.)
Eric: Okay on to the vocabulary.
Naomi: 大人 (otona)
Eric: Adult.
Naomi: (slow) おとな (otona) (natural speed) 大人 (otona)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 枚 (mai)
Eric: A counter for thin, flat things.
Naomi: (slow) まい (mai) (natural speed) 枚 (mai)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 自由席 (jiyūseki)
Eric: Unreserved seat.
Naomi: (slow) じゆうせき (jiyūseki) (natural speed) 自由席 (jiyūseki)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 切符 (kippu)
Eric: Ticket.
Naomi: (slow) きっぷ (kippu) (natural speed) 切符 (kippu)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: 予定 (yotei)
Eric: Plans, arrangement, schedule.
Naomi: (slow) よてい (yotei) (natural speed) 予定 (yotei)
Eric: The next word is
Naomi: まず (mazu)
Eric: First of all.
Naomi: (slow) まず (mazu) (natural speed) まず (mazu)
Eric: And the last word is
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Eric: To go.
Naomi: (slow) いきます (ikimasu) (natural speed) 行きます (ikimasu)
Eric: Okay, so let’s take a closer look at some of these words. What’s the first word we have?
Naomi: 大人 (otona)
Eric: Adult. So the word adult by itself doesn’t really make any sense, right? I mean it does but it’s not really that important but usually adult is a category when you are buying tickets of any kind right and not just at the train station.
Naomi: そうです。(Sō desu.)
Eric: That’s just the regular ticket for people over 18 or maybe people from high school and above, right?
Naomi: Uhoo.
Eric: It depends and there are also kids.
Naomi: 子供 (kodomo)
Eric: Children and seniors.
Naomi: シニア (shinia)
Eric: And…
Naomi: Students, 学生 (gakusei)
Eric: So when Mizuki-san asked for eight adult tickets, he said
Naomi: 大人八枚、お願いします。(Otona hachi-mai, onegai shimasu.)
Eric: Which brings us to the word
Naomi: 枚 (mai)
Eric: Which is a counter for thin flat objects such as paper or plates, tickets, anything that’s flatter than it is. For anything that’s flat pretty much, right?
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: Okay, so let’s count 枚 (mai).
Naomi: It’s easy. Just add 枚 (mai) after each numbers.
Eric: So let’s talk about paper, right? One sheet of paper would be?
Naomi: 一枚 (ichi-mai)
Eric: Two sheets.
Naomi: 二枚 (ni-mai)
Eric: Three sheets of paper.
Naomi: 三枚 (san-mai)
Eric: Four sheets.
Naomi: 四枚 (yon-mai)
Eric: Five sheets.
Naomi: 五枚 (go-mai)
Eric: And so on and so on.
Naomi: And the question will be 何枚 (nan-mai)?
Eric: Exactly the same なん (nan) from なに (nani), what. Alright, so let’s ask for some tickets.
Naomi: 大人一枚、お願いします。(Otona ichi-mai, onegai shimasu.)
Eric: One adult, please.
Naomi: 学生二枚、お願いします。(Gakusei ni-mai, onegai shimasu.)
Eric: Two student tickets please and in some trains especially the one that Lori is going to ride on like Express trains and the bullet trains like Shinkansens, there are two types of seats, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.) 自由席 (jiyūseki) and 指定席 (shiteiseki)
Eric: Or non-reserved seats and reserved seats. Right and I think their price is different. The non-reserved seats are cheaper.
Naomi: Of course.
Eric: Because you know, it’s a gamble. You don’t know if you are going to be sitting down or standing up.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.) And they have グリーン席 (gurīnseki) or グリーン車 (gurīnsha).
Eric: That’s right, the green car.
Naomi: For the express trains, they have 自由席 (jiyūseki), 指定席 (shiteiseki) and グリーン車 (gurīnsha).
Eric: So not only do they have the non-reserved seats and the reserved seats, but they also have a green car in these express trains.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: So it’s even more luxurious.
Naomi: It’s like a first class.
Eric: Wow because you know, in these express trains, all of the seats are pretty comfortable. They are way more comfortable than the regular train that has this one long seat, right? These express trains, it’s more like an airplane where they have seats facing forward and so I can’t even imagine what the green car would be in there. Do they rub your feet?
Naomi: No.
Eric: They don’t give you a little massage, they don’t give you a little rub on the back?
Naomi: You can’t get any, like extra service.
Eric: They don’t do a little pins and needles acupuncture on you?
Naomi: No, no, no. The seats, it’s wider.
Eric: That’s it?
Naomi: Maybe complimentary drink.
Eric: Yeah, maybe that sounds reasonable for me.
Naomi: 次は、文法です。(Tsugi wa, bunpō desu.)
Eric: On to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Eric: We are going to Matsumoto.
Naomi: 松本に行きます。(Matsumoto ni ikimasu.)
Eric: All right. So let’s break this down.
Naomi: 松本 (Matsumoto)
Eric: Matsumoto, the city with the famous castle in Nagano.
Naomi: に (ni)
Eric: The particle that indicates direction.
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Eric: To go.
Naomi: 松本に行きます。(Matsumoto ni ikimasu.)
Eric: All right. So this 行きます (ikimasu), it’s a new word, right?
Naomi: Right.
Eric: It’s the masu-form of the verb
Naomi: 行く (iku)
Eric: Which means to go.
Naomi: Since it’s a verb, you cannot use です (desu).
Eric: That’s right. Welcome to Japanese verbs. So as we have seen up till now, all nouns and with です (desu), we are speaking politely right in the ですます (desu masu) form, that’s the casual way to mention polite speaking right, the ですます (desu masu) form and now we learn this new word, to go. The root verb is
Naomi: 行く (iku)
Eric: But the masu-form is
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Eric: For today, we are only learning this one verb but learn that this is going to become a pattern in all the verbs when you construct them. We will learn that later on, but for now, let’s talk about going somewhere. So if you want to go anywhere, you say somewhere
Naomi: に行きます (ni ikimasu)
Eric: And に (ni) indicates sort of direction, right?
Naomi: はい。(Hai.) Or a goal.
Eric: Yes, a goal. So let’s talk about different places like where would you go? You would go to the station.
Naomi: 私は駅に行きます。(Watashi wa eki ni ikimasu.)
Eric: 駅 (eki), station and after you get to the station, you get on the train and then you might want to go to Tokyo station.
Naomi: 東京駅に行きます。(Tōkō Eki ni ikimasu.)
Eric: And then once you get out of Tokyo station, you need to go to your university. You need to go to school.
Naomi: 大学に行きます。(Daigaku ni ikimasu.)
Eric: Even though I don’t know, I don’t think there are any universities in the Tokyo station area.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
Eric: It’s your own private university.
Naomi: はい。(Hai.)
Eric: It’s made it up.
Naomi: And you can change the subject too. They are riding on the あずさ二号 (Azusa ni-gō), right? So you can use あずさ二号 (Azusa ni-gō) as a subject and say あずさ二号は松本に行きます (Azusa ni-gō wa Matsumoto ni ikimasu).
Eric: Okay, so up to now, we have been talking about ourselves, right? We are going to Tokyo station. We are going to the station, we are going to the school but now we are talking about the train. The train is going to Matsumoto, even you know regardless of whether we are on it or not. So anything before the は (wa), the subject could be anything that goes in the direction that has a goal. So you could even talk about me going somewhere.
Naomi: そうですね。エリックは、大学に行きます。(Sō desu ne. Erikku wa, daigaku ni ikimasu.)
Eric: I go to school or I am going to school. So you mentioned that subject could be anything. So if you are at the bus stop and you want to find out if this bus goes to Shibuya, you would ask…
Naomi: That will be the next lesson.
Eric: Oh really uhhh Naomi-sensei is cruel as usual making us wait, making us wait. No but that’s a good point. You just add the か (ka) at the end of any masu-form, word and it becomes a question but you are just going to have to wait for that but if you want to make the statement, the bus goes to Shibuya station, you would say
Naomi: このバスは渋谷駅に行きます。(Kono basu wa Shibuya Eki ni ikimasu.)
Eric: That became much longer than you know, the sentences that we usually look at but if we break it down, it’s pretty simple.
Naomi: このバス (kono basu)
Eric: This bus.
Naomi: は (wa)
Eric: The topic marking particle.
Naomi: 渋谷駅 (Shibuya Eki)
Eric: Shibuya, the station.
Naomi: に (ni)
Eric: The particle marking direction.
Naomi: 行きます (ikimasu)
Eric: To go.
Naomi: このバスは渋谷駅に行きます。(Kono basu wa Shibuya Eki ni ikimasu.)
Eric: This bus goes to Shibuya.


Eric: All right and it is right about time for me to catch my bus. I’ll see you guys next week.
Naomi: じゃ、また。(Ja, mata.)


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