Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone!
Welcome to Kanji Time. Today, we’re gonna learn N1 Kanji.
参りましょう。 (Mairimashō.) Let’s go!
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This kanji means “blade, sword, edge.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ジン (jin), like in 白刃 (hakujin) which means “drawn sword.”
And the Kun-reading is は (ha), like in 刀の刃 (katana no ha), which means “the edge of a sword.”
This kanji means “reap, clip, cut, trim, prune.”
Kun-reading for this kanji is か (ka), like in 刈り入れ (kariire) which means “harvest” and 頭を刈る (atama o karu) which means “have a haircut.”
もし、普段の会話で「頭を刈る」と言うと、坊主にするようなイメージがあるので... (Moshi, fudan no kaiwa de `atama o karu' to iu to, bōzu ni suru yō na imēji ga aru node...)
普通に髪の毛を切っただけの時は、「髪の毛を切る」で使った方がいいですよ。 (Futsū ni kaminoke o kitta dake no toki wa,`kaminoke o kiru' de tsukatta hō ga ii desu yo.)
This kanji means “punish, penalty, sentence, punishment.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ケイ (kei), like in 刑罰 (keibatsu) which means “penalty” and also 処刑 (shokei) meaning “execution.”
This kanji means “plane, sharpen, whittle, pare.”
The On-reading for this kanji is サク (saku), like in 削除 (sakujo) meaning “deletion.”
And the Kun-reading is けず (kezu), like in 鉛筆を削る (enpitsu o kezuru) which means “sharpen a pencil.”
鉛筆を削る。 (Enpitsu o kezuru.)
鉛筆削りで鉛筆を削る。 (Enpitsukezuri de enpitsu o kezuru.)
This kanji means “divide.”
The On-reading for this kanji is ボウ (bō), like in 解剖 (kaibō) meaning “dissection.”
今からお水の解剖を始めます。 (Ima kara o-mizu no kaibō o hajimemasu.)
はい、メス。 (Hai, mesu.)
パカーン! (Pakān!)
ああ、こぼれた! (Ā, koboreta!)
And 解剖学 (kaibōgaku) which means “anatomy.”
Quiz time!
Say the reading of the following kanji:
鉛筆を削る (enpitsu o kezuru)
処刑 (shokei)
頭を刈る (atama o karu)
解剖 (kaibō)
刀の刃 (katana no ha)
Now, say the meaning of the following words:
白刃 (hakujin) “drawn sword”
削除 (sakujo) “deletion”
刑罰 (keibatsu) “penalty”
刈り入れ (kariire) “harvest”
解剖学 (kaibōgaku) “anatomy”
今日は以上です。 (Kyō wa ijō desu.)
見てくれてありがとうございます。 (Mite kurete arigatō gozaimasu.)
難しい漢字なので、一日一つでも覚えたら、積み重なってきっと... (Muzukashii kanji na node, ichi-nichi hitotsu demo oboetara, tsumikasanatte kitto...)
漢字ペラペーラ! (Kanji perapēra!)
漢字読むの問題なしになるはず! (Kanji yomu no mondai nashi ni naru hazu!)
Thank you. Bye-bye!


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