
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natsuko: おはよう、シアトル。ナツコです。(Ohayō, Shiatoru. Natsuko desu.)
Yoshi: おはよう、シアトル。ヨシです。(Ohayō, Shiatoru. Yoshi desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #96. All right, here we go.
客 (kyaku) : すみません。ここで写真を撮ってもいいですか。(Sumimasen. Koko de shashin o totte mo ii desu ka.)
警備員 (keibiin) : いいえ。ここは撮影禁止です。(Iie. Koko wa satsuei kinshi desu.)
(写真の音) (shashin no oto)
警備員 (keibiin) : ちょっと!だめですよ!何してるんですか。だめと言ったでしょう。(Chotto! Dame desu yo! Nani shite ru n desu ka. Dame to itta deshō.)
客 (kyaku) : すっ、すみません。日本語がわかりません!(Su, sumimasen. Nihon-go ga wakarimasen!)
警備員 (keibiin) : ちょっと!身分証明書を出してください。(Chotto! Mibun shōmeisho o dashite kudasai.)
客 (kyaku) : はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
警備員 (keibiin) : あなた、日本人でしょう!(Anata, Nihon-jin deshō!)
客 (kyaku) : はい、そうです。東京出身です。お父さんは北海道出身。お母さんは九州出身。(Hai, sō desu. Tōkyō shusshin desu. O-tō-san wa Hokkaidō shusshin. O-kā-san wa Kyūshū shusshin.)
警備員 (keibiin) : もういいから。今の写真を消して、帰ってください。(Mō ii kara. Ima no shashin o keshite, kaette kudasai.)
客 (kyaku) : はい、わかりました。(Hai, wakarimashita.)
警備員 (keibiin) : 出口はこちらです。(Deguchi wa kochira desu.)
Yoshi: もう一度、お願いします。ゆっくり、お願いします。(Mō ichi-do, onegai shimasu. Yukkuri, onegai shimasu.)
客 (kyaku) : すみません。ここで写真を撮ってもいいですか。(Sumimasen. Koko de shashin o totte mo ii desu ka.)
警備員 (keibiin) : いいえ。ここは撮影禁止です。(Iie. Koko wa satsuei kinshi desu.)
警備員 (keibiin) : ちょっと!だめですよ!何してるんですか。だめと言ったでしょう。(Chotto! Dame desu yo! Nani shite ru n desu ka. Dame to itta deshō.)
客 (kyaku) : すみません。日本語がわかりません!(Sumimasen. Nihon-go ga wakarimasen!)
警備員 (keibiin) : ちょっと!身分証明書を出してください。(Chotto! Mibun shōmeisho o dashite kudasai.)
客 (kyaku) : はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
警備員 (keibiin) : あなた、日本人でしょう!(Anata, Nihon-jin deshō!)
客 (kyaku) : はい、そうです。東京出身です。お父さんは北海道出身。お母さんは九州出身。(Hai, sō desu. Tōkyō shusshin desu. O-tō-san wa Hokkaidō shusshin. O-kā-san wa Kyūshū shusshin.)
警備員 (keibiin) : もういいから。今の写真を消して、帰ってください。(Mō ii kara. Ima no shashin o keshite, kaette kudasai.)
客 (kyaku) : はい、わかりました。(Hai, wakarimashita.)
警備員 (keibiin) : 出口はこちらです。(Deguchi wa kochira desu.)
Yoshi: 次は、ピーターさんの英語が入ります。(Tsugi wa, Pītā-san no Eigo ga hairimasu.)
客 (kyaku) : すみません。ここで写真を撮ってもいいですか。(Sumimasen. Koko de shashin o totte mo ii desu ka.)
GUEST: Excuse me. May I take a picture here?
警備員 (keibiin) : いいえ。ここは撮影禁止です。(Iie. Koko wa satsuei kinshi desu.)
GUARD: No, picture taking is prohibited here.
警備員 (keibiin) : ちょっと!だめですよ!(Chotto! Dame desu yo!)
GUARD: Hey! That's no good!
警備員 (keibiin) : 何してるんですか。(Nani shite ru n desu ka.)
GUARD: What are you doing?
警備員 (keibiin) : だめと言ったでしょう。(Dame to itta deshō.)
GUARD: I said that's no good, right?
客 (kyaku) : すっ、すみません。日本語がわかりません!(Su, sumimasen. Nihon-go ga wakarimasen!)
GUEST: Excuse me, I don't understand Japanese.
警備員 (keibiin) : ちょっと!身分証明書を出してください。(Chotto! Mibun shōmeisho o dashite kudasai.)
GUARD: Hey! Please take out some personal identification.
客 (kyaku) : はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
GUEST: Yes, here you are.
警備員 (keibiin) : あなた、日本人でしょう!(Anata, Nihon-jin deshō!)
GUARD: You, you're Japanese, right?
客 (kyaku) : はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.)
GUEST: Yes, that's right.
客 (kyaku) : 東京出身です。(Tōkyō shusshin desu.)
GUEST: I'm from Tokyo.
客 (kyaku) : お父さんは北海道出身。(O-tō-san wa Hokkaidō shusshin.)
GUEST: My father's from Hokkaido.
客 (kyaku) : お母さんは九州出身。(O-kā-san wa Kyūshū shusshin.)
GUEST: My mother's from Kyushu.
警備員 (keibiin) : もういいから。(Mō ii kara.)
GUARD: Enough already.
警備員 (keibiin) : 今の写真を消して、帰ってください。(Ima no shashin o keshite, kaette kudasai.)
GUARD: Erase the picture you just took and please leave.
客 (kyaku) : はい、わかりました。(Hai, wakarimashita.)
GUEST: Yes, I understand.
警備員 (keibiin) : 出口はこちらです。(Deguchi wa kochira desu.)
GUARD: The exit is this way.
Peter: So Yoshi-san, let’s ask Take-san what he thought of the conversation.
Yoshi: タケさん、今日の会話はどうですか。(Take-san, kyō no kaiwa wa dō desu ka.)
Take: 困った人ですね。本当に。(Komatta hito desu ne. Hontō ni.)
Peter: Yeah, have you met somebody like this?
Take: うーん。なんか…。(Ūn. Nanka…)
Peter: Over here, over here.
Take: あ、いたいたいたいた。(A, ita ita ita ita.)
Peter: Yes. This is based on a true story, Yoshi-san?
Yoshi: Ah, kind of.
Peter: Kind of.
Yoshi: Kind of, huh!
Peter: Oh yeah, we should have a series, the adventures of Yoshi-san. All right, now Take-san.
Take: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: We are going to do vocabulary. So 帰ってください (Kaette kudasai). No, it’s just a joke but…
Take: Okay, okay. ちょっと今機嫌が悪くなった。(Chotto ima kigen ga waruku natta.)
Peter: I am sorry, I am sorry.
Take: しょうがないな。許してあげよう。(Shōganai na. Yurushite ageyō.)
Peter: 帰ってください。(Kaette kudasai.) I like that expression.
Yoshi: ピーターさん、だめですよ。(Pītā-san, dame desu yo.)
Peter: すいません。(Suimasen.)
Take: 仕方がない。(Shikata ga nai.)
Peter: Okay, on to vocab. Natsuko-san, what do you think of the dialogue? Be honest.
Natsuko: Very strange.
Peter: What was so strange about it? Well if you think that’s strange, wait till you hear the informal. We would really stress, really stress that you stop by japanesepod101.com and get the informal. It’s pretty wild today. Aren’t you looking forward to it?
Natsuko: Yes, yes.
Peter: All right. So can you give us the first word on the list?
Natsuko: はい。最初のキーワードは、撮る (Hai. Saisho no kīwādo wa, toru)
Peter: To take.
Natsuko: (slow)とる (toru) (natural speed) 撮る (toru)
Peter: Now in the dialogue, what did we have?
Natsuko: 写真を撮る (shashin o toru)
Peter: To take a picture. Now Natsuko-san, to take an item, that’s also とる (toru), right?
Natsuko: Yes, it sounds the same.
Peter: Same sound.
Natsuko: Yes, but different kanji.
Peter: The characters.
Natsuko: Yes. So it’s a bit tricky.
Peter: Okay, now this character is much more complicated than the one for take. Inside the PDF, we will have their side by side comparison because as Natsuko said, they sound the same but when you are writing or typing or reading, they are different and it’s something you really should pay attention to.
Natsuko: Uhoo.
Peter: All right, next we have
Yoshi: 次のキーワードは、撮影 (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, satsuei)
Peter: Shoot, photograph.
Yoshi: (slow)さつえい (satsuei) (natural speed) 撮影 (satsuei)
Peter: Now this is a noun. How do we make this into a verb?
Yoshi: 撮影する (satsuei suru)
Peter: Now this is used for both cameras and video cameras. Now how do we say the difference between “film a movie” and “take a picture”?
Yoshi: 映画撮影 (eiga satsuei) is film shooting and 写真撮影 (shashin satsuei) is photograph shooting.
Peter: I see. Now in the dialogue, what came after this?
Yoshi: 禁止 (kinshi)
Peter: Forbiddance, prohibition, ban.
Yoshi: (slow)きんし (kinshi) (natural speed) 禁止 (kinshi)
Peter: And put them together, what do we have?
Yoshi: 撮影禁止 (satsuei kinshi)
Peter: Photographs prohibited, filming prohibited. So this is something you will find in museums, art galleries and other places they don’t want you taking pictures. Now this 禁止 (kinshi), it’s found in another place too quite often, right?
Natsuko: Yes. 立ち入り禁止 (tachiiri kinshi)
Peter: No trespassing. So actually that’s the translation. If we do a literal translation, entrance forbidden.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And this is – you will see this in many types of places. Anything with electric wires or construction areas. This is what you will see. Next we have.
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、身分証明書 (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, mibun shōmeisho)
Peter: Personal identification.
Natsuko: (slow)みぶんしょうめいしょ (mibun shōmeisho) (natural speed) 身分証明書 (mibun shōmeisho)
Peter: Now let’s break this into the two words that it is. First we have
Natsuko: 身分 (mibun)
Peter: Position, status. Second
Natsuko: 証明書 (shōmeisho)
Peter: Certificate. So we put these together and we get
Natsuko: 身分証明書 (mibun shōmeisho)
Peter: Personal identification. Now the latter part
Natsuko: 証明書 (shōmeisho)
Peter: Is used in many other words. For example, a graduation certificate.
Natsuko: 卒業証明書 (sotsugyō shōmeisho)
Peter: Again with the first word for graduation being
Natsuko: 卒業 (sotsugyō)
Peter: And the latter staying the same.
Natsuko: 証明書 (shōmeisho)
Peter: All right. Next we have
Yoshi: 次のキーワードは、消す (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, kesu)
Peter: Erase, turn off.
Yoshi: (slow)けす (kesu) (natural speed) 消す (kesu)
Peter: Extinguish. Yoshi-san, can you ask Natsuko-san to give us some examples?
Yoshi: ナツコさん、例文をお願いします。(Natsuko-san, reibun o onegai shimasu.)
Natsuko: はい。電気を消す。(Hai. Denki o kesu.)
Peter: Turn off the light.
Natsuko: 火を消す。(Hi o kesu.)
Peter: Extinguish the fire or put out a fire.
Natsuko: 記録を消す。(Kiroku o kesu)
Peter: Erase a record.
Natsuko: データを消す。(Dēta o kesu.)
Peter: Erase data and so on. This one is used quite a lot. Most often, turn off the light.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Or the TV. Next we have
Natsuko: 次のキーワードは、出口 (Tsugi no kīwādo wa, deguchi)
Peter: Exit.
Natsuko: (slow)でぐち (deguchi) (natural speed) 出口 (deguchi)
Peter: Natsuko-san, let’s ask Yoshi-san what the opposite of exit is.
Natsuko: ヨシさん、出口の反対は何ですか。(Yoshi-san, deguchi no hantai wa nan desu ka.)
Yoshi: 入口 (iriguchi)
Peter: Now Natsuko-san, let’s take a look at the Chinese characters inside these words. First, let’s look at “exit.” Give it to us, one more time.
Natsuko: 出口 (deguchi)
Peter: What are the two characters in there?
Natsuko: 出 (de) and 口 (guchi)
Peter: To go out and mouth.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So the mouth you leave from.
Natsuko: Yes, right.
Peter: And then we have
Natsuko: 入 (iri) and 口 (guchi)
Peter: Enter and mouth. The mouth you enter from.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Exit mouth and entrance mouth. Now what about – there is one more. In Japan, emergency exit.
Natsuko: 非常口 (hijōguchi)
Peter: Emergency mouth. Now you can find these, they are actually marked in green.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So if anything should happen, that’s what you want to look for. A little guy running.
Natsuko: Uhoo…
Peter: For good reason, yeah.
Natsuko: Yeah.

Lesson focus

Peter: All right. So today what we want to do is actually go into the conversation and break it down. Let’s start out with the first line.
Yoshi: すみません。ここで、写真を撮ってもいいですか。(Sumimasen. Koko de, shashin o totte mo ii desu ka.)
Peter: Okay, here we are asking if it’s all right to take a picture here. A few things to point out. One, we use the
Natsuko: てもいいですか (te mo ii desu ka)
Peter: Construction and also how do we mark here. What particle do we use to mark here?
Natsuko: ここで (koko de)
Peter: Then we have picture marked with
Natsuko: を (o)
Peter: Now the response is
Natsuko: いいえ。ここは撮影禁止です。(Iie. Koko wa satsuei kinshi desu.)
Peter: Okay, whenever you use the てもいいですか (te mo ii desu ka) construction, you get your answer with either
Natsuko: はい (hai)
Peter: Which is yes, its okay or
Natsuko: いいえ (iie)
Peter: No, it’s not okay and what was the reason?
Natsuko: ここは撮影禁止です。(Koko wa satsuei kinshi desu.)
Peter: Natsuko-san, here we use the particle
Natsuko: は (wa)
Peter: Why is this? Wouldn’t it seem more natural to use the particle
Natsuko: で (de)
Peter: Where an action takes place.
Natsuko: Yes, but で (de) can be used only in front of an action.
Peter: So that’s why here we use
Natsuko: は (wa) instead of で (de)
Peter: I see. So that’s something you definitely want to pay attention to.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And give us the rest of the sentence.
Natsuko: 撮影禁止です。(Satsuei kinshi desu.)
Peter: Okay. Now he goes on to take the pictures any way as we could hear by the sounds カシャカシャ (kasha kasha). Ah Yoshi-san, no regard for the rules.
Yoshi: No, that was Take-san who took the pictures.
Peter: Apologies about that. So what’s the answer? What does he say after he starts snapping the pictures?
Natsuko: ちょっと!(Chotto!)
Peter: Let’s start with what does this word mean literally?
Natsuko: A little.
Peter: So why would he say a little? I don’t get it.
Natsuko: ちょっと待ってください (chotto matte kudasai) is the whole sentence.
Peter: Now I see. Then he follows this up with
Natsuko: だめですよ。(Dame desu yo.)
Peter: だめ (dame) means no good.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: But what other – what else is included in this? We can’t take this literally.
Natsuko: 写真を撮ってはだめですよ。(Shashin o totte wa dame desu yo.)
Peter: So there is the part in front of it. It is understood that he can’t do that.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So maybe we can say here no go or no good if we were to make it into the English.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: All right, then we had.
Yoshi: 何してるんですか。(Nani shite ru n desu ka.)
Peter: What are you doing followed by
Yoshi: だめと言ったでしょう。(Dame to itta deshō.)
Peter: I said no go. Here we have the plain past form of a class 1 verb. Now we have a very easy way for you to remember how to conjugate verbs into this tense, the past plain form. Now all verbs, not just class 1 verbs, as long as you remember how to make the te-form which we covered in earlier lessons just take the verb in its te-form and change the final syllable in the え (e) column to the corresponding syllable in the あ (a) column and there we have it. For example, 食べて (tabete) becomes 食べた (tabeta), して (shite) becomes した (shita) and so on and then we have a very poor attempt at making excuse to take these pictures. Now what do we have here?
Yoshi: すみません。日本語がわかりません。(Sumimasen. Nihon-go ga wakarimasen.)
Peter: Excuse me, I don’t know Japanese. Now again his response to this is
Natsuko: ちょっと!(Chotto!)
Peter: Now what does it mean in this case?
Natsuko: There are many possibilities.
Peter: For example
Natsuko: ちょっと待ってください。(Chotto matte kudasai.)
Peter: Please wait a second or
Natsuko: ちょっと、何言ってるんですか。(Chotto, nani itte ru n desu ka.)
Peter: Wait, what exactly you are saying, what are you talking about? And this is followed up by
Natsuko: 身分証明書を出してください。(Mibun shōmeisho o dashite kudasai.)
Peter: Please show me some personal identification. Please show me some identification. Now Natsuko-san, have you ever been asked this question?
Natsuko: At a rental video shop.
Peter: Ah…
Natsuko: To register.
Peter: Really but isn’t that a bit harsh?
Natsuko: Oh yes, right. You usually say 身分証明書をお願いします。(Mibun shōmeisho o onegai shimasu.)
Peter: Yeah, something much more polite, this – well…
Natsuko: This is more like an order.
Peter: Yes, well てください (te kudasai) is polite. In this particular case, it’s a bit of – it’s a bit abrasive.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Yoshi-san, how about you? Have you ever been asked this question?
Yoshi: Not after I went to the same bar like three times. After that, I could do a 顔パス (kao pasu).
Peter: What’s that?
Yoshi: So my face, you know, they remembered my face already.
Peter: Ah..
Yoshi: So my face was my ID.
Peter: Give us that Japanese one more time.
Yoshi: 顔パス (kao pasu)
Peter: Face pass. Interesting, very interesting.
Natsuko: Yes. We are already 顔パス (kao pasu) for this studio.
Peter: Yes, that’s right. We come here so much.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: All right, what’s next?
Yoshi: はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
Peter: Usually when you pass something to somebody, you would say this. When you give something to somebody, when you pass something to somebody, you would say
Natsuko: はい、どうぞ。(Hai, dōzo.)
Peter: Yes please, as in here you go, yes here you go. It makes it that much politer. The answer was
Natsuko: あなた、日本人でしょう。(Anata, Nihon-jin deshō.)
Peter: You are Japanese, right?
Yoshi: はい、そうです。(Hai, sō desu.)
Peter: Yes, that’s right.
Yoshi: 東京出身です。(Tōkyō shusshin desu.)
Peter: I am from Tokyo and then he goes on to explain about his parents and of course the security guard doesn’t want anything to do with this. So
Natsuko: もういいから。(Mō ii kara.)
Peter: Enough already.
Natsuko: 今の写真を消して帰ってください。(Ima no shashin o keshite kaette kudasai.)
Peter: Erase the picture you took just now and please go home and again this is – this is a very strong request.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Borderline ordering. Now it’s obvious here that it’s a digital camera. That’s why he is saying erase the picture. Then we have
Yoshi: はい、わかりました。(Hai, wakarimashita.)
Peter: I understand and finally
Natsuko: 出口はこちらです。(Deguchi wa kochira desu.)
Peter: The exit is this way. So this may come in handy if you are acting up in some place where rules need to be obeyed.
Natsuko: Yes.


Peter:All right, that’s going to do for today.
Natsuko: じゃ、また明日ね。(Ja, mata ashita ne.)
Yoshi: またね。(Mata ne.)


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