
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Your One Stop Shop for All Your Japanese Needs. In the previous lesson, we learned some useful expressions for buying tickets.
Naomi: Right. Such as 羽田空港まで大人一枚
Peter: One adult ticket to Haneda Airport. In this lesson you will learn some useful expressions for buying something and also review some crucial questions words such as "what"
Naomi: なに
Peter: and "how much"
Naomi: いくら
Peter: This conversation takes place at
Naomi: キオスク
Peter: Kiosk. The conversation is between
Naomi: 店員さんとアシュリーさん
Peter: the shop clerk and Ashley. In the previous episode, Ashley bought a ticket to go to her hotel. Now she is buying some food at a kiosk in the airport before she gets on the bus. Since it's a conversation between a clerk and a customer, you'll hear...
Naomi: Formal Japanese.
Peter: Since we'll introduce you to new counters, we strongly recommend that you read Appendix 7 as a reference.
アシュリー:はっぴゃく、きゅうじゅう円… じゃ、はい、千円。
Peter: Welcome.
Peter: I'd like one of these sandwiches and two cookies, please.
Peter: Excuse me, what is this?
Peter: That's "tenmusu." It's really good!
Peter: It's tempura and musubi.
Peter: Okay, I'll take two of those...
Peter: One sandwich, two cookies, and two tenmusu...
Peter: your total is 890 yen.
Peter: Huh? I'm sorry, how much is it?
Peter: 890 yen.
アシュリー:はっぴゃく、きゅうじゅう円… じゃ、はい、千円。
Peter: Eight-hundred ninety yen...okay, here's 1000 yen.
Peter: Your change is 110 yen.
Peter: Thank you!
Naomi: I bet this lesson would be a good review lesson for numbers.
Peter: Absolutely. In the dialogue had...890円 eight hundred and ninety-yen 、千円 one thousand yen、百十円a hundred and ten yen. If you don't feel confident with numbers, please check our basic boot camp lesson 4 and 5 and appendix 1.
Naomi: By the way... Have you ever tried てんむす
Peter: (Comment ... )
Naomi: てんむす is like sandwich. But they use rice instead of bread.
Peter: Ten is from Tempura "deep fried fish or vegetable" and Musu is from omusubi "rice ball" So they put Tempura in the rice ball.
Naomi: I think they usually put shrimp tempura I mean deep fried shrimp in the rice ball and wrap with seaweed.
Peter: Tenmusu used to be a Local cuisine in central Japan area or CHUUKYO area. But it became a popular food eaten all over Japan.
Naomi: てんむすはおいしいです。
Peter: You think tenmusu is tasty?
Naomi: はい おいしい is delicious. So, Peter, what Japanese food is おいしい for you?
Peter: ----wa oishii desu. OK. On to the vocab.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi おいしい [natural native speed]
Peter delicious
Naomi おいしい [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi おいしい [natural native speed]
Naomi いくら [natural native speed]
Peter how much
Naomi いくら [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi いくら [natural native speed]
Naomi おつり [natural native speed]
Peter change
Naomi おつり [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi おつり [natural native speed]
Naomi 会計 [natural native speed]
Peter check, bill
Naomi 会計 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 会計 [natural native speed]
Naomi 何 [natural native speed]
Peter what
Naomi 何 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 何 [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi The first word/phrase we’ll look at is....
Naomi: いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: May I help you? Literally, "welcome" or "welcome money" Now if you go shopping in Japan or dine out, you'll definitely hear this phrase.
Naomi: Right. Especially, at a department store
Peter: Especially, at a womens' clothing store... you'll hear hight pitched
Naomi: いらしゃいませ~。いらっしゃいませ~。
Peter: Multiple times. Now, Naomi-sensei, when the shop clerk says いらっしゃいませ to us(you?), what are we suppose to do?
Naomi: It really depends on how the shop clerk says it though. If the shop clerk says that phrase multiple times, that いらっしゃいませ is not addressed to you. It's like a back ground music. So in that case, you can just ignore them.
Peter: What if the shop clerk looks at your face and says いらっしゃいませ with a small bow,
Naomi: Oh well.. It's still OK to ignore them. But if you don't want to ignore them...maybe saying どうも or a small nod would be appropriate.
Peter: It doesn't mean that Japanese people rude or mean or anything. That's what Japanese people usually do.(Add more explanation)
Naomi: Yeah that's the way it is. When you're at a store as a customer, your social level is higher than any of the shop clerks. So the shop clerk always talk to you formally and be really nice to you.
Peter: What's the next word?
Naomi: 会計
Peter: account, bill, finance,total amount. In this lesson's dialogue case though, it means total amount. It's got a long vowel "e- sound" at the end, correct?
Naomi: Right. かいけー. It's often the case we add polite suffix お in front of 会計.
Peter: In the dialogue, the shop clerk said
Naomi: お会計、890円です。
Peter: "your total is 890 yen." And when you want to ask the bill at the restaurant, you say...
Naomi: お会計、お願いします。
Peter: "Check, please." There's one more essential word for shopping which is...
Naomi: おつり
Peter: Change as in "Here's your change"
Naomi: Actually つり means change. And as is the case, polite suffix お is added in front.
Peter: In the dialogue, the clerk said.
Naomi: おつり、110円です。ありがとうございました。
Peter: Your change is 110 yen. Thank you!
Naomi: The topic marking particle "は" is missing. It should be おつりは110円です。
Peter: Literally, "the change 100yen is" of course it means "Your change is 110yen." And
Naomi: ありがとうございました。
Peter: Thank you. It's a new phrase, isn't it. We've learned "Arigatou gozaimasu" in Lesson 2. but the phrase we have in this lesson is "Arigatougozaimashita." Naomi-sensei, what's the difference?
Naomi: Well...Actually, ございました is the past form of ございます So...
ありがとうございました is used to thank the past event.
Peter: OK. Here's a good example. Imagine, you're at a department store. You found something you'd like to buy and you tell the shop clerk that you'll take it.
Naomi: The shop clerk says ありがとうございます。
Peter: Thank you. The shop clerk tell you the price, you pay the money. The business is completed. When you leave the shop the shop clerk says.
Naomi: ありがとうございました。

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson grammar section, we'll review some crucial questions words such as "what" and "how much" and also We'll go over some important expressions used for buying something, such as counters to specify the number of items you want. So, which one shall we start?
Naomi: Why don't we start with the review.
Peter: In the dialog we saw two vital question words which are
Naomi: なん
Peter: meaning "what", and
Naomi: いくら
Peter: meaning "how much". Allow us to show you the sentence structure.
Naomi: これはクッキーです。
Peter: This cookie is. This is a cookie, of course. To form a yes/no question, you simply add
Naomi: か at the end of the sentence.
Peter: So... "Is this a cookie?" would be...
Naomi: これはクッキーですか。
Peter: To ask what it is, replace "kukkii" with "nan."
Naomi: これは なん ですか。
Peter: "What is this?" Did you get it? If you want to ask how much it is...replace "nan-what" with "ikura-how much"
Naomi: これは いくら ですか。
Peter: Simple, isn't it? Of course if the topic is already understood, you can omit これ"this" and は"topic marker"
Naomi: 何ですか
Peter: what is it?
Naomi: いくらですか。
Peter: How much is it? OK. On to this lesson's target grammar. What are we going to cover, here?
Naomi: [something]を[number]plus [counter ]ください sentence structure.
Peter: In the dialog, Ashley bought some food at a kiosk, specifying how much of each item she wanted. We'll show you how, just in a minute. But before we do, let's go over counters very quickly.
Naomi: The counters we'll introduce to you here is つ and こ.
Peter: Basically, "Tsu" is a counter for general objects and "Ko" is counter for small objects. For the detailed conjugation and list for these counters, please, please look at appendix 7 and this lesson's PDF. So, what do we in the dialogue,
Naomi: クッキーを二つください。
Peter: I'd like two cookies.
Naomi: I think it would be a good idea to start with クッキーをください。
Peter: OK. We covered the usage of "kudasai" in Lesson 3 didn't we? If you are not familiar with the usage of kudasai please go back to lesson 3 and check the usage. OK, say that sentence again?
Naomi: クッキーをください。
Peter: "Please give me cookies","I'll take cookies" Let's break it down.
Naomi&Peter: クッキー cookie or cookies. を object marker ください please give me. So literally, cookie please give me. "Please give me cookies," "I'll take cookies."
Peter: Now,as you've already known, Japanese doesn't have plural and singular. So..."KUKKII" could be just one cookie or could be a million.
Naomi: At the shop, it could cause problem. So we add number plus counter AFTER the object marker を. 二つ means "two things" so... クッキーを二つください。
Peter: Please give me two cookies. Let's break down that sentence.
Naomi&Peter: クッキーを Cookie plus object marker "o" ふたつ two things ください please give me. "Please give me two cookies. Now, take a look at the counter for general objects chart in this lesson's PDF. Look at the one object section. What does it say? ...That's right! That's "Hitotsu" So if you ask for one cookie, that would be...
Naomi: クッキーを一つください。 Please give me one cookie.
Peter: Now please look at the chart again. How do you say three objects?...And how do you say "Please give me three cookies?"
Naomi: クッキーを三つください。
Peter: How about four cookies.
Naomi: クッキーを四つください。
Peter: How about five cookies?
Naomi: クッキーをいつつください。
Peter: See that pattern? Object and "o" number plus counter and "kudasai."
Naomi: For small items, you can almost use counter つ and こ interchangeably.
Peter: Great. Let's recap this lesson with some quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice.Naomi-sensei's going to say a Japanese phrase. You're job is to guess the best response.OK. Are you ready?
Naomi: いくらですか。
A)100円です B)てんむすです C)いいえ
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: A)100円です It's 100 yen.
Peter: "ikura desu ka?" means "How much is it?" so the answer is (A) 100en desu.It's a hundred yen. OK, next question, please.
Naomi: なんですか。
A)いらっしゃいませ B)それは、てんむすです C)ありがとうございました
Peter: The best answer is
Naomi: B)それはてんむすです 
Peter: The question "Nan desu ka?" means "What is it?" So the answer is (B) tenmusu desu. “It's tenmusu” is the most appropriate answer.


Peter: In the next lesson, Ashley is checking in at the hotel. So we'll learn some useful expressions at the hotel.
Naomi: じゃまた。


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