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Becky: Hi everyone! Welcome back to JapanesePod101.com. This is Japanese for Everyday Life Lower Intermediate Series, Lesson 16 - Getting a Haircut.
Kaori: こんにちは!古橋香織 です!Hi everyone, Kaori Furuhashi here!
Becky: I'm Becky. In this lesson, you'll learn a useful skill for the hair salon - How to tell a hair stylist what you’d like.
Kaori: Becky さん、美容院
Becky: hair salon
Kaori: で髪を切ってもらうとき、うまく希望を伝えるのは難しいですか。
Becky: Yes, I think it’s a bit difficult to say exactly what you want when you get a haircut at a hair salon—especially when you want to change your hairstyle.
Kaori: あぁ、そうですね。髪型を変えるときは、特に難しいですね。
Becky: Usually, you're asked at the beginning “How much hair would you like to have cut today?,” right?
Kaori: はい、そうですね。まず、最初に「今日は、どれくらい切りましょうか。」と聞かれますね。
Becky: That’s a bit of a tough question to answer, unless you want to have a trim
J: そろえる
Becky: What do you say, if you want it shoulder-length?
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さに切ってください。
Becky: Okay. This is one of the expressions useful for when you’re at a hair salon. You’ll learn more in this lesson. Can you say it again please, Furuhasi-sensei?
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さに切ってください。
Becky: Listen to the dialogue and participate when prompted by speaking aloud in Japanese. Use the patterns of Japanese you studied in the Beginner-level lessons. After you speak, you'll hear a model line of dialogue. Your answer does not need to be exactly the same, but do compare your response to the model line.
In this lesson, you'll play the role of a customer at a hair salon. Your goal is to tell your hair stylist what you’d like.
Becky: You enter a hair salon.
Hair Stylist: 今日はどれくらい切りましょうか?
Becky: The hair stylist asked you how much hair you'd like to get cut. Answer, “shoulder length, please.”
Customer: 肩につくぐらいの長さに切ってください。
Hair stylist: わかりました。前髪はどうしましょうか。
Becky: The hair stylist asked how you'd like your bangs. Say, "Part them on the side, please."
Customer: 横分けにしてください。
Hair stylist: 分け目は、この辺でよろしいですか。
Becky: The hair stylist asked you if it’s OK to part it around here. Say, "A bit nearer to the center, please."
Customer: もうちょっと真ん中よりでお願いします。。
Hair stylist: 雑誌をお持ちしましょうか。
Becky: The hair stylist asked you if you want him to bring a magazine. Say, "Yes, please."
Customer: はい、お願いします。
Hair stylist: いかがでしょうか。
Becky: After cutting, the hair stylist asked you how you like it. Say, "Well, can you cut the bangs a little more?"
Customer: そうですね。。。前髪をもう少し切ってもらえますか。
Becky: Here are some useful words and phrases for this task. The first phrase is,
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さ
Becky: shoulder length
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さ (slow), 肩につくぐらいの長さ
Kaori: 肩につく
Becky: attach to the shoulder
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さ
Becky: Literally means "long enough to attach to the shoulder." Naturally, "shoulder length."
Becky: Right. Ears can often be used when you explain the length of hair, as well as the shoulder. For example,
Kaori: 耳が出るくらい
Becky: Just above the ears
Kaori: 耳が出るくらい、耳が出るくらい
Becky: Its opposite is,
Kaori: 耳が隠れるくらい
Kaori: 隠れる
Becky: hide
Kaori: 耳が隠れるくらい
Becky: just below the ears
Kaori: 耳が隠れるくらい、耳が隠れるくらい
Becky: What if you don’t want to change the style, but get a trim.
Kaori: そろえる程度
Becky: just a trim
Kaori: そろえる程度にきってください。
Becky: "Just a trim, please." Or
Kaori: いつもと同じ
Becky: "the same as usual"
Becky: The same as usual, please.
Kaori: いつも行っている美容院なら、これで通じますよね。
Becky: That's right. Here are a few more phrases for the bangs.
Kaori; 分け目
Becky: part
Kaori: 横分けにする
Becky: part it on the side
Kaori: 横分けにする、横分けにする
Becky: Next is,
Kaori: 前におろす
Becky: straight, over the forehead (hang it on the forehead)
Kaori: 前におろす、前におろす
Becky: Here are phrases to explain where you want your part.
Kaori: 真ん中寄り
Becky: near to the center
Kaori: 真ん中寄り、真ん中寄り
Kaori: 寄り
Becky: means “near to.” So if you want to say “near to the right side,” you say
Kaori: 右寄り
Becky: And if you want to say “near to the left side,” you say
Kaori: 左寄り

Lesson focus

Becky: Now, one of the key expressions for this task is, "shoulder length, please.”
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さに切ってください。
Becky: The first part of this sentence is the phrase "shoulder length"
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さ
Becky: It’s followed by a particle marking the result of change,
Kaori: 「に」
Becky: and “cut please”.
Kaori: 切ってください。
Becky: Together, you make the request, “Cut to shoulder length, please.”
Kaori: 肩につくぐらいの長さに切ってください。
Becky: The structure is, [your requested length] +
Kaori: に きってください。
Becky: Let’s practice. Say, “Just above the ears, please.”
Kaori: 耳が出るくらいの長さに切ってください。
Becky: Say, “Just below the ears, please.”
Kaori: 耳がかくれるくらいの長さに切ってください。
Becky: Here's another useful expression, “Could you cut the bangs a bit more?”
Kaori: 前髪をもう少し切ってもらえますか。
Becky: The first part is a word meaning “bangs”
Kaori: 前髪
Becky: It’s followed by an object-marking particle,
Kaori: を
Becky: Next is a phrase meaning “a little more”
Kaori: もう少し
Becky: The last part is a phrase meaning “can you cut for me?”
Kaori: 切ってもらえますか。
Becky: This is a sentence pattern for a polite request using the auxiliary verb meaning “do something for me”
J: もらう
Kaori: そうですね。「もらう」の可能形
Becky: potential form
Kaori: 「もらえる」を使った、丁寧な依頼の文ですね。何度か、このシリーズでもでてきました。
Becky: The structure is, “te-form of a verb” plus
Kaori: もらえますか。
Becky: In this case, te-form of a verb meaning “to cut”
J: 切って
Becky: plus
Kaori: もらえますか。
Becky: What if you want to get the side cut a little more? "The side" in Japanese is,
Kaori: 横 
Becky: Say, “Could you cut the side a little more?”
Kaori: 横をもう少し切ってもらえますか。
Becky: What if you think the back is a little too long. "The back" in Japanese is,
Kaori: うしろ
Becky: Say, “Could you cut the back a little more?”
Kaori: 後ろをもう少し切ってもらえますか。
Becky: Now, if you're satisfied and don’t need to make any more requests, what do you say?
Kaori: ちょうどいいです。
Becky: "It’s perfect."
Becky: Now try to participate in the dialogue using some alternative words you learned in this lesson. Use as many of the expressions you learned in this lesson as possible. Let's get started!
Becky: You enter a hair salon.
Hair Stylist: 今日はどれくらい切りましょうか?
Becky: The hair stylist asked you how much hair you would like to get cut. Answer with “just below the ears, please.”
Customer: 耳がかくれるくらいの長さに切ってください。
Hair stylist: わかりました。前髪はどうしましょうか。
Becky: The hair stylist asked you how you would like your bangs. Say, "Part them on the side, please."
Customer: 横分けにしてください。
Hair stylist: 分け目は、この辺でよろしいですか。
Becky: The hair stylist asked you if it’s OK to part it around here. Say, "A bit nearer to the right, please."
Customer: もうちょっと右よりでお願いします。。
Hair stylist: 雑誌をお持ちしましょうか。
Becky: The hair stylist asked you if you want him to bring a magazine. Say, "yes, please."
Customer: はい、お願いします。
Hair stylist: いかがでしょうか。
Becky: After cutting, the hair stylist asked you how you like it. Say, "Well, can you cut the back a little more?"
Customer: そうですね。。。後ろをもう少し切ってもらえますか。
Becky: How did you do? There are actually a large number of variations you can use in this situation. Make sure to look for them in the lesson notes.


Becky: Okay, That’s all for this lesson.
Kaori: 日本の美容院で、髪を切ったことはありますか。希望どおりの髪型になりましたか?教えてくださいね。
Becky: In the next lesson, you’ll learn how to tell a real estate agency your needs for a room.
Becky: See you all next time!


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