
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Welcome to Japan! Avoid Instant Immersion Shock with this Lesson. OK. Did you check out the lesson notes for lesson 4 and memorize the adjectives related to temperature? Naomi-sensei, how could you describe today's weather?
Naomi: あつです。すごい、あついです。
Peter: Hot, very hot. In this lesson, it’s 30 degrees Celsius, or about 90 degrees Ferenheit.
Naomi: That's one of this lesson’s targets. Describing temperature.
Peter: In this lesson, we're quickly going to go over how to say the date, day and temperature in Japanese. And we'll also introduce the very formal copula でございます。
Naomi: This conversation takes place
Peter: on the airplane. First, you'll hear
Naomi: the announcement from the captain.
Peter: Then next, you'll hear the conversation between
Naomi: アシュリーさん と 一郎さん 
Peter: Ashley and Ichiro. The captain is using very formal Japanese. Ashley and Ichiro are using
Naomi: formal Japanese.
Peter: For this lesson, we recommend that you reference Appendix 2, 3 and 4 .
パイロット: 皆様、機長の日野でございます。
パイロット: 皆様、機長の日野でございます。
Peter: Hello everyone, this is your captain Hino speaking.
Peter: At Narita Airport, it's Sunday, August 16th.
Peter: The local time is ten after three in the afternoon.
Peter: It's sunny, and the temperature is 30 degrees Celsius.
Peter: What? 30 degrees?? That's cold...
Peter: No, it's hot!
Peter: It's 30 degrees "sesshi."
Peter: What's "sesshi?"
Peter: "Sesshi" means Celsius.
Peter: 30 degrees Celsius is 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
Naomi: Wow. Sounds so authentic...but there's too much information. Month, Date, day time weather and temperature.
Peter: Come on. It's not too much. It's all explained in the appendix.
Naomi: If that's the case, maybe it's not too bad.
Peter: In the United States, we use Fahrenheit. But in Japan, people use Celsius.
Naomi: Do you usually convert the number?
Naomi: By the way, 摂氏 is Celsius. 華氏 is Fahrenheit. and 度 means degree.
Peter: That "do" is the same "do" as in "mou ichido onegaishimasu", isn't it?
Naomi: Right. 度 is a counter for "Degree of temperature or angle " or "occurrence or time"
Peter: So ichido could mean "One time" "once" or "one degree" Do is also covered in our Appendix 7 about counters.
Peter Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Naomi 皆様 [natural native speed]
Peter everyone, ladies and gentlemen
Naomi 皆様 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 皆様 [natural native speed]
Naomi 機長 [natural native speed]
Peter plane captain
Naomi 機長 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 機長 [natural native speed]
Naomi 時間 [natural native speed]
Peter time
Naomi 時間 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 時間 [natural native speed]
Naomi 晴れ [natural native speed]
Peter sunny
Naomi 晴れ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 晴れ [natural native speed]
Naomi 寒い [natural native speed]
Peter cold; Adj (i)
Naomi 寒い [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Naomi 寒い [natural native speed]
Peter Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Naomi: 皆様
Peter: everyone, everybody. "Mina" means all and as we learned in the previous lesson, "Sama" is a polite suffix just like "san", but even more polite than "san"
Naomi: So it's like Mr. and Ms. Everyone. 皆様 is quite formal. In more casual situation, we say みんな
Peter: You also say 皆さん, do you?
Naomi: Right. 皆さん is formal 皆様 is even more formal.
Peter: How about in a casual situation?
Naomi: We say みんな. We usually put an ん in the middle. みんな But you can not say みんなさん or みんなさま
Peter: Next we'll look at the phrase:
Naomi: 8月16日月曜日
Peter: In English order: Monday, August 16th. Let's look at the components.
Naomi: 八月August 十六日the 16th 月曜日 Monday
Peter: 月is a counter for months. In Japanese, January is called the first month, February is called the second month, and so on.
Naomi: We have a special name for each month but it's not used on a daily basis anymore.
Peter: The names of the months and dates are covered in Appendix 3 and the days of the week are covered in Appendix4. Next we have...
Naomi: 午後三時十分
Peter: Three-thirty p.m. Let's break it down:
Naomi &Peter: 午後 PM 三 three 時o'clock so 三時 is 3o'clock 十 ten 分 minute so 十分 ten minutes. So literally, PM three o'clock ten minutes. Of course it means "Three ten p.m."
Naomi: Please be careful: we put 午後PM in front of the time.
Peter: So Three PM would be
Naomi: 午後三時
Peter: Three AM would be
Naomi: Am is 午前 so...午前三時
Naomi: PM is 午後 AM is 午前. Noon is 正午 There's a list in Appendix 2
Peter: How to tell time in Japanese is all covered in Appendix 2. OK. On to the next vocab.
Naomi: 暑い
Peter: Hot. We covered Atsui in the previous lesson. Is this atsui the same word?
Naomi: The pronunciation is the same. But the Kanji is different.
That 熱い we covered in the previous lesson means hot to the touch and can be used to talk about liquids.
But this lesson's 暑い is used for air temperature.
Peter: In this lesson's dialogue, we also have "Samui" cold. And "samui" means cold when talking about air temperature.
Naomi: Right. Like 今日は、寒いです。
Peter: "Today is cold" or "it's cold today."

Lesson focus

Peter: In this lesson you'll learn how to use the copula and become familiar with its different forms
Naomi: And also you'll learn how to say your name along with your title or company you belong to.
Peter: Let's start with the copula. In Japanese, the copula is used in two ways. The meaning we will focus on in this lesson is that of "is", as in "I am", "you are", "he/she/it is", etc.
In Japanese there are three different politeness levels..
Naomi: Which are informal, formal and honorific - or maybe I should call it "extra formal."
Peter: Which means there are three different variations of the copula.
What's the formal copula we've already covered.
Naomi: です。 As in 私は直美です I'm Naomi.
Peter: Can you introduce the informal copula?
Naomi: Sure. In infomal speech.です becomes だ
Peter: "Da"... Not bad.Only one syllable. Can we have a sample sentence?
Naomi: 私は直美だ。I'm Naomi.
Peter: So, in my case.私はピーターだ。How about extra formal speech?
Naomi: We use でございます 
Peter: Can you break it down?
Naomi: で・ご・ざ・い・ま・す でございます So...私は直美です becomes 私は直美でございます。I'm Naomi.
Peter: So in my case, I would say 私はピーターでございます。
Naomi: Right.(Laugh) The reason I laugh is because this gozaimasu is an extra formal expression, so it doesn't fit our relationship.
Peter: So the situations where we can use "de gozaimasu" are rather limited?
Naomi: I think so. It's mainly used in business situations.
Peter: De gozaimasu (でございます) should be reserved for extra formal situations.In the dialog, we heard the formal desu (です) and extra formal de gozaimasu (でございます). Toyota-san used desu when talking to Ashley, and the pilot used de gozaimasu when making his announcment to the passengers. Naomi, can you say the phrase the captain said?
Naomi: 機長の日野でございます
Peter: This is your captain Hino speaking.
Naomi: の as in 機長の日野 is the next grammar point, isn't it?
Peter: Right. In lesson 3, we learned how to use no (の) to show possession. Now we will learn how to use it to indicate one's title or the company that they belong to.
Naomi: Give your title or company name followed by no (の) and then say your name.
Peter: [ title] no [ name ] or [name of the company] no [name]
Naomi: For example, in my case, I'm working for Japanesepod101 so...
Peter: Literally, Japanesepod101.com's Naomi or Naomi of Japanesepod101.com. In more natural English, Naomi from Japanesepod101.com
Naomi: So if I want to introduce myself with a name of the company that would be...
Peter: I'm Naomi of JapanesePod101.com." or if you want to be extra formal...
私はJapanesePod101.comのピーターギャランテでございます。"I'm Peter Galante of JapanesePod101.com."
Peter: Let's recap this lesson with some quiz. The quiz will be multiple choice. We'll give a question and three possible answers. You're job is to guess the answer.OK. The first question.
How do you say "hot" in Japanese?
Naomi: A) あつい B)ごご C)ごぜん
Peter: the answer is
Naomi: A)あつい
Peter: This word also appeared in the previous episode, didn't it?あつい hot OK Next question.
Which of following expressions is the most polite for saying "Everyone".
Naomi: A)みなさん B)みなさま C)みんな
Peter: The answer is
Naomi: B)みなさま
Peter: We just learned sama is more polite than san so... B)Mina-sama is the most polite. Minna is a casual way to say everyone. It's like “guys” or “folks,” or “y’all.”


Naomi: In the next lesson, Ashley and Ichiro will be exchanging business cards, which is 名刺 in Japanese.
Peter: So you'll learn some useful expressions you use when you exchange business cards.
Naomi: じゃ。また。


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