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Japan in Today's World: Studying abroad at Kyushu University

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Japan in Today's World: Studying abroad at Kyushu University

Postby Tom » January 20th, 2007 1:29 am

I'll be studying abroad at Kyushu University next semester. I feel like a very in-depth account of studying abroad in Japan, particularly with the Japan in Today's World program I'm taking part in, would be interesting for a lot of people and useful for others who are planning to do the same thing.

I know that there are a limited few people at my university who spend a semester abroad, despite the financial assistance the college offers, and I think that some of it is due to the lack of first hand accounts of the experience.

I haven't yet left the country (US) because the program doesn't start until April, but I think the various administrative tasks and planning that you have to go through before a trip are responsible for the vast majority of the pressure before you arrive, or at least that's been the case for me. So I'm documenting the steps I'm taking before I leave, like getting a visa, looking into housing options for if I want to stay extra time, getting my money from the states to Japan, among other things.

I hope that it becomes an interesting read for anyone planning---or not yet planning---a trip to Japan.

Here it is.

(Thanks to Brody for sharing his study abroad experiences, as they were definitely a great inspiration to start sharing my own.)
By the way, I made it to Japan

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Postby laughinghyena21 » February 2nd, 2007 5:05 pm

Hey Tom,

thank you for your insider report of how to get stuff started on studying abroad. i am planning to do the same, and hopefully it wont be hard for me to do so. But please continue to post more reports for us to follow up on.



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Postby Tom » February 3rd, 2007 12:15 am

laughinghyena21 wrote:thank you for your insider report of how to get stuff started on studying abroad. i am planning to do the same, and hopefully it wont be hard for me to do so. But please continue to post more reports for us to follow up on.

Sure thing!
By the way, I made it to Japan

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Joined: December 27th, 2006 1:34 am

Postby osekihan » March 7th, 2007 7:12 am

I'm interested in studying abroad as well so I'm really interested in hearing about what you experience. Good luck!

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