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Deleting word bank and season wise creation

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Deleting word bank and season wise creation

Postby dnjpsil_497579 » October 15th, 2014 8:18 am


Over the period of time I added many words to my word bank, but now I want to have them in organized way (one per season - like Beginner season-1 which will have all the vocab of beginner season 1). Currently, I am not able to delete the current word bank which runs into many pages. I need to delete 50 words each and time consuming. Pl let me know how to delete all the word bank contents and method to add season-wise vocab in word bank under different labels.


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Re: Deleting word bank and season wise creation

Postby lauralanda » October 20th, 2014 3:42 am

Hi dnjpsil,

Thank you for posting!
Unfortunately, you can only delete 50 words at a time for now. However, we will consider your suggestion, to make it possible to clear your WordBank with a single click in the future. :D

For the labels, you can manage them manually for now. Creating your own group of words (in this case by season).

Thank you again for your suggestions, will be considered.


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Re: Deleting word bank and season wise creation

Postby dnjpsil_497579 » October 22nd, 2014 8:29 am

Thanks, Laura-san.

I think, Admin will be able to reset my word bank. Can you request our admin to reset my word bank so that I can start creating a new label for each completed season.


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Re: Deleting word bank and season wise creation

Postby lauralanda » October 27th, 2014 5:18 am

Hello dnjpsil,

Thank you for posting again.
Please, in that case send us an email to:
Including information about the issue, and your username.

Thank you for your understanding.

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