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Cheapest way from Kyushu to Hokkaido?

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Cheapest way from Kyushu to Hokkaido?

Postby Bissen » July 17th, 2010 8:26 am

Hello everyone!

I'm a long-time JPod-listener, and am currently planning a homestay in Japan. I've already made a 3-week agreement with a family in Oita, but found another, seemingly perfect family in Hokkaido. These two places are about as far from each other as possible, and as I don't have much knowledge about how to get around in Japan atm, I'd like to ask if any of you know how much it would approximately cost me to travel from Kyushu (Oita) to Hokkaido (Date)? I'd also like to know how long it would take...

I don't have an insane amount of money, so it's fairly important for me to know whether it could work or not... I really, really hope it can!
I'd like to know this prior to contacting the family, just so I don't have to waste their precious time.

Please, anyone, help me out here! (Ha, that reminded me of Peter's often used phrase "Please, Sakura, help us/me out here!" in JCCs etc. :D)


(Oh, and by the way, THANK you, JapanesePod101, for your FANTASTIC lessons! I listen to you for hours every day :))

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Postby Belton » July 18th, 2010 2:19 pm

I've gone half that distance in one go without any trouble at a reasonable cost.

Check out
It gives various ways to travel from point to point in Japan and the ticket costs.

I think a JR pass might be best value. at 28,300 yen for a 7 day pass. (NB purchased outside Japan)

Trains are probably the least trouble and most comfortable way to travel.
One way via train /shinkansen from Oita to Date according to the site above is
Take time: 628 Minutes Transfer: 4 Times Distance: 1522.5 km
Total:¥ 29,470

Using planes would seem to double the cost.

Highway buses might be cheaper but take much, much longer. (12 hours Hiroshima to Tokyo for instance.)
The rough costs to go all the way to Hokkaido (lots of changes) would seem to be not that much cheaper than the shinkansen actually, for a lot more trouble.

As part of your journey north you could break your journey and experience more of the country (Hiroshima, Hijime, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Nagoya, Tokyo are all on (or in Nara's case near) the shinkansen) It'd be worth looking into luggage forwarding if you do this so you can travel lighter.

You'd need to factor in where you incoming and outgoing flights are from too I guess.

PS. Opps the Date first returned by Hyperdia is not the one in Hokkaido. That probably means an extra 1000 km and a higher cost and a few more hours. That rail pass is looking even better! so is breaking the journey. (or flying)
Oita to Datemombetsu (by train)
Take time: 1144 Minutes Transfer: 5 Times Distance: 2341.1 km
Total:¥ 40,900

Good Luck.

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Postby demibank8773 » July 18th, 2010 2:44 pm

Take a plane; if you book your ticket 28 days in advance, it's half off. It can end up being much less expensive than taking the train, especially if you can fly directly from Oita to Hokkaida without having to do a connection in Tokyo/Osaka. But you see less of the country, though.

You can book directly on the Japanese website of Japan Airlines or ANA. Ask your host family if the airport is close to their home, and which airlines fly out form there.

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Postby mutley » July 19th, 2010 11:22 am

Get a bus to Fukuoka and then fly from there.
If you book the flight with ANA 1-2 months before it should be possible for about 14000 yen one way. The bus to fukuoka i would guess is only a few thousand

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Postby Bissen » July 19th, 2010 3:27 pm

Hm... I am now considering whether I wan't to see some of the country than just that with the hosts. Argh, it's difficult!

I'll have about 300,000¥ - how long could I live on my own for that? Say if I bought the JR pass for entire Japan for 7 or maybe 14 days? I probably won't be shopping a lot... I think :b

That way, I'd have that time to spend money, and could then spend the remaining 2 months (or so) with a host (I will have a plane ticket home ready).

You think that could be a realistic idea?

Oh btw, I really appreciate your replies! Thanks!

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Postby Belton » July 19th, 2010 5:49 pm

I reckon you could do a lot with 30万
I'd certainly recommend travelling and seeing the major cities en route Kyushu to Hokkaido. You can experience a lot in even 7 days. If you're confident go off the beaten track as well.

I would say you could be comfortable on about 10,000 a day for food accommodation and entry fees depending on where you stay and what you eat.

are some sites to give you ideas on hotel and hostel prices.

Check your visa requirements as your trip is starting to sound quite long.
You can only buy a Rail pass with certain visas.

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Postby demibank8773 » July 20th, 2010 1:29 am

You could do the train/bus one way, and fly down the other way. One of the nice things about taking the plane in Japan is the fact that you don't have to buy a return ticket to get a cheap price. For the discount ticket mentioned above, you would be buying both ways separately anyways, so you could use the JR pass to go up to Hokkaido and fly back down to the airport you want. Or vice versa! When are you coming? If during the summer and certain periods of time, there's the Seishun 18 kippu (check it out out the Japan guide website). Takes a looong time, but suupper cheap...though if you can do the JR pass, that would be best for you.

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Where will you be in Oita

Postby goodsquire1686 » July 20th, 2010 7:53 am

It actually depends on where you will be in Oita. I live in Taketa (in Oita), and from Taketa its much cheaper to go to and fly out of Kumamoto. For me to get to Fukuoka from Taketa its about $75 (USD). Where as Kumamoto only costs $15. The plane ticket will cost the same I would think.

Where will you be in Oita?

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Postby Bissen » July 20th, 2010 6:53 pm

goodsquire: I'll be living around Bungo Ono (Nakabaru, Ohon-machi. Around Mie).
My plan is to take the train from Fukuoka Airport to Oita Station, where I should be able to catch a bus to the host. I don't have the opportunity to fly to Kumamoto fro Denmark.

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From Mie

Postby goodsquire1686 » July 22nd, 2010 11:03 pm

Yeah I wasn't thinking you could fly in from outside of Japan to Kumamoto, but to do any traveling inside Japan (like say from Kyushu to Hokkaido) Kumamoto might be cheaper. I live about 20 minutes from Mie and have heard of a bus that goes to FUK for about 3000 yen. Kumamoto is still closer and cheaper I would think.

As for your homestay, will you be working on a farm? If so then you will probably be staying with my Ai Ki Do teacher. If so you should come to a practice

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Postby Bissen » July 22nd, 2010 11:23 pm

I've changed my plans - no domestic flying; think I'll go with the train all the way.

I'll start in Oita, take the train through Japan, see as much as I can in 14 days (I wonder how much I'll get to see... not much, I guess), and end in Hokkaido with another family.

From there, I'll probably take another train ride to Tokyo for a cheap flight back to Denmark.

Goodsquire: I don't think it's your dojo... it would be very cool though, as I do karate myself, and am very curious to try other martial arts!
The family in Oita grows sweet peas and flowers :P

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Postby Belton » July 23rd, 2010 9:22 am

Bissen wrote:I'll start in Oita, take the train through Japan, see as much as I can in 14 days (I wonder how much I'll get to see... not much, I guess), and end in Hokkaido with another family.

You could see quite a lot with a bit of planning.
I recommend those cities I mentioned below. You could give Nagoya a miss maybe. (I like it because of friends and in-laws, but mostly it's another modern Japanese city.) I'd think about going the Northern route around the Alps via Kanazawa by limited express.

Japan by Rail by Ramsey Zarifeh is worth a look.

Good Luck, sounds like it'll be a great trip.

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