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How many lesson's does Sachiko do?

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How many lesson's does Sachiko do?

Postby creighton » April 26th, 2010 10:54 pm

I've been using JapanesePod101 for quite a while, and I've loved it till now. I've finished the beginners series and I am now doing the lower intermediate. My problem is I cannot stand the forced American accent of Sachiko. Whenever I hear it I have to skip the lesson and unfortunately for me she seems to be doing a lot of them. I'm sure she's a lovely person but for me her voice is like fingernails down a blackboard

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Postby Javizy » April 26th, 2010 11:40 pm

It's not forced, she lived in the US for a long time (possibly grew up there, I don't remember, but she mentions it in a lesson). She's not in that many lessons if I recall correctly. She was one of the main people working on EnglishPod101, so she disappeared from JPod quite suddenly not too long after appearing.

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Postby peachrules » April 27th, 2010 3:32 am

Hey! That's not nice! I like her. I don't think her accent is forced, I think it's refined and pleasant.

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Postby untmdsprt » April 27th, 2010 8:33 am ... roduction/

The page says she grew up in Canada, and the USA, and I believe she's also said that she spent a few years in Osaka.

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Postby hblzr » April 27th, 2010 9:39 am

You joined in 2008 and after a couple of years you make one post and your first post is a negative personal slight against a team member. You don't even have the decency or courtesy to thank Jpod101 for all the free services they provide.

What does Sachiko's accent have to do with the quality of the lessons? Critique the content of the lessons and leave the personal attacks on your computer and off Jpod101 servers.

I know what you mean about the fingers down the blackboard, your post makes me feel the same way about you.

Creighton I'm sure you're a lovely person but it's evident your manners say otherwise.

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Postby amost » April 27th, 2010 1:01 pm

I enjoyed the lessons with her. I wish she'd come back to jpod...

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Postby Javizy » April 27th, 2010 1:19 pm

hblzr wrote:You joined in 2008 and after a couple of years you make one post and your first post is a negative personal slight against a team member. You don't even have the decency or courtesy to thank Jpod101 for all the free services they provide.

What does Sachiko's accent have to do with the quality of the lessons? Critique the content of the lessons and leave the personal attacks on your computer and off Jpod101 servers.

I know what you mean about the fingers down the blackboard, your post makes me feel the same way about you.

Creighton I'm sure you're a lovely person but it's evident your manners say otherwise.

If he's a paying customer, which I assume he is since he's listening to the old lessons, then it's actually JPod who should be thanking him. I'm sure they appreciate his currency much more than his kind words.

You won't find many radio presenters with a voice like Ray Romano, because the nature of their voices does directly affect the quality of the broadcast. Presentation counts for a lot in any medium, but it's hard to please everyone.

I think personal attack is going a bit far, but it wasn't a great display of manners. He could have asked the question without mentioning the negative parts. He's entitled to his opinion, and it's unlikely he believed Sachiko would have actually read or even heard about the post, so I say cut him some slack.

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Postby creighton » April 27th, 2010 6:36 pm

hblzr I've thanked Japanese pod101 on numerous occasions through personal emails. I believe it's an excellent site and a site that I'm truly thankful for. I sincerely wish Peter and his team all the best with their business and they unquestionably should feel proud of what they're doing. I lived in Japan for many years and truly love the country and its people and I'm delighted to see a site like like JapanesePod101 teaching Japanese in a fun and natural style.

I really don't know if you can call my post a personal attack. The lessons have such a high level of English banter that I think it would be nearly impossible not to prefer some presenters to others. I love listening to Takase, Chigusa, Natsuko, Sakura and Yoshi. I just don't like listening to Sachiko.

I think it boils down to fact that I like the less Americanized presenters.

Anyway I can't be bothered trying to justify why I don't like listening to her. Say what you want and I'll try to remember never to say anything negative on these forums.

Hblzr good luck with your Japanese and if you ever decide to study Spanish there's a great proverb: Sobre los gustos no hay nada escrito.

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Postby iaai » April 28th, 2010 10:16 am

That's kind of mean! I really like her voice! In fact I think the US + Japan combined accent is very unique and interesting. :D
I'm sure it's not THAT unbearable to you. Just soldier through the lessons and don't let it bother you. :)

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Postby hblzr » April 29th, 2010 8:05 am

creighton wrote:Hblzr good luck with your Japanese and if you ever decide to study Spanish there's a great proverb: Sobre los gustos no hay nada escrito.

Don't you really mean; Nunca llueve a gusto de todos.

Besides manners you should have learned by now not to assume anything. LOL.

Thanks for the "good luck"!

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Postby hblzr » April 29th, 2010 8:59 am

Javizy wrote:If he's a paying customer, which I assume he is since he's listening to the old lessons, then it's actually JPod who should be thanking him. I'm sure they appreciate his currency much more than his kind words.

You won't find many radio presenters with a voice like Ray Romano, because the nature of their voices does directly affect the quality of the broadcast. Presentation counts for a lot in any medium, but it's hard to please everyone.

I think personal attack is going a bit far, but it wasn't a great display of manners. He could have asked the question without mentioning the negative parts. He's entitled to his opinion, and it's unlikely he believed Sachiko would have actually read or even heard about the post, so I say cut him some slack.

I disagree. When a customer comes into my place of business and complains about the service or product; I listen. When they get personal, they get a refund and asked to leave and not let the door hit his/her arse on the way out. In the world I live in money is not an entitlement to be an ill mannered human being.

You and Creighton make my point about getting personal. Your post and his response shows that neither one of you liked that I attacked him. You are right you can't please everyone and he is entitled to his opinion. However, he doesn't have to get personal in expressing that opinion in a public forum.

If I used your logic that "it's unlikely he believed Sachiko would have actually read or even heard about the post"', then is it okay that I come by your home and dump my trash on your front door as long as you don't see or hear me?

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Postby creighton » April 29th, 2010 9:37 am

Hblzr you wrote "When a customer comes into my place of business and complains about the service or product; I listen". Well her voice is the product. I'm sure there are singers you don't hesitate saying you don't like their voices. And I'm sure there are radio announcers you are equally comfortable complaining about.

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Postby Javizy » April 29th, 2010 9:18 pm

hblzr wrote:I disagree. When a customer comes into my place of business and complains about the service or product; I listen. When they get personal, they get a refund and asked to leave and not let the door hit his/her arse on the way out. In the world I live in money is not an entitlement to be an ill mannered human being.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of businesses that don't operate in such idealistic conditions, and people have to put up with a lot of crap while keeping a smile. Those people would probably be happy to hear something like "I'm not questioning the character of your product, but I don't like X aspect of it." Somebody saying it behind their back on a messageboard would be a dream.

hblzr wrote:You and Creighton make my point about getting personal. Your post and his response shows that neither one of you liked that I attacked him. You are right you can't please everyone and he is entitled to his opinion. However, he doesn't have to get personal in expressing that opinion in a public forum.

I was just trying to defend the new guy. Just because you don't agree with his opinion on Sachiko's voice doesn't go to say that he doesn't have anything to offer in terms of studying Japanese. I don't think members should be cast out for what at most was a slightly strong way of phrasing a valid opinion.

hblzr wrote:If I used your logic that "it's unlikely he believed Sachiko would have actually read or even heard about the post"', then is it okay that I come by your home and dump my trash on your front door as long as you don't see or hear me?

You'd have to clean it up before I saw it as well, otherwise it'd contradict my logic. You'd also need a valid reason for dumping it there, and some way of showing that you don't have a problem with me personally, if you wanted to match creighton's approach.

You might not place any importance on a host's voice, but you can't force that view on everyone. I for one stopped listening to the new lessons for similar reasons, so how do I explain the reality of my decision without personally "attacking" anyone?

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Postby Ulver_684 » May 8th, 2010 10:21 pm

Mina-san! :wink:

Everyone has their own opinion but I have to disagree Sachiko-san is a great person and her voice is unique. She must be by now very sad about these topic but she is smart enough to ignore those negative comments. Sachiko-san Rules :hachimaki:

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Re: How many lesson's does Sachiko do?

Postby michaelamont7375 » January 30th, 2015 1:56 am

I personally think her voice is sexy. She sounds like a helplessly friendly librarian. Helplessly friendly librarians are sexy.

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