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Martial Arts in Tokyo

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Martial Arts in Tokyo

Postby Koru » May 7th, 2008 11:03 pm

Hi once again, I know I've been posting a lot in this section recently...I guess I'm just so excited about visiting Japan!

Anyhow, I'm a keen Aikidoka but due to politics it looks like I won't get a chance to train at Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo so was wondering if anyone knew of dojos for other styles which might welcome a visitor to train or have open sessions or days or something similar? I'd be interested in trying other styles too or even just to go have a look if people know of some good ones.

I'll be in Tokyo from the 12th to the 20th and then off to Osaka and kyoto till the 26th then back to Tokyo.

Thanks in advance,

Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

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That's so sad!

Postby JonB » May 8th, 2008 1:30 am

I did not know there was such politics in aikido. I used to do Jiu Jitsu and had not problem in the UK going to different clubs and styles when on short term assignments - or even to judo (though they were scared of me for some reason!)


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Martial Arts - Aikido in Japan

Postby andel_1 » May 22nd, 2008 12:44 pm

Hi there,
I have just been to Japan practicing Aikido with Master Koretoshi Maruyama, one of the last surviving students of o'sensei. He teaches 2 sessions a week, one at Heiwadai Gym and one at Ooizumigakkuen Gym. Everybody is welcome at Aikido Yuishinkai, the style Maruyama sensei created, it is called 'Aikido witjhout boundaries', no politics. Please check the website for more information. There is also a club in Osaka with Okajima sensei, who also teaches Daito Ryu. You can find it in the dojo directory on the website.
Well, I hope you can practice aikido in Japan, I know how one misses training while travelling.
Best wishes,
Elisabeth Andel

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Postby Koru » May 23rd, 2008 5:43 am

Sweet, I`ve still got a few days left so I'll check those out.

Domo arigato gozaimasu!

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Postby applezoid » May 23rd, 2008 1:15 pm

I'm glad to hear what I heard about the Honbu Dojo was confirmed -- that it was a welcoming place. I'll be in Tokyo for a month starting at the end of June and am looking forward to training. Anyone know what the current rates are? Last I heard it was about 1500 yen per day, or 5500 yen for a month membership. That sound right?

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