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errors(!)... but no biggies

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errors(!)... but no biggies

Postby kinoko » April 24th, 2006 6:26 am

I found a few errors with the kana sounds... like, i hear "to" when i shouild hear "cho."

also... if you add a kanji to your bank twice, then there are two copies! it would be nice if you would make it so that it notifies you whether a kanji is already in your bank. thanks!
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davidhallgren Team Member
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Re: errors(!)... but no biggies

Postby davidhallgren » April 24th, 2006 7:15 am

kinoko wrote:I found a few errors with the kana sounds... like, i hear "to" when i shouild hear "cho."

I've tried to listen to all of them but might have missed some, may I asked for which voice you heard that?

kinoko wrote:also... if you add a kanji to your bank twice, then there are two copies! it would be nice if you would make it so that it notifies you whether a kanji is already in your bank. thanks!

This is very true and high up on my todo-list for the next few days. I will also try to somehow mark these words/kanji in the dictionaries if they're already in the dictionary so that you don't even have to click on them.

Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming!

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Postby Kitsune » June 4th, 2006 11:30 pm

I finally have learned all of the hiragana characters... Yeah!!!
However, as I tried out my newly learned character reading ability out on the beginner lesson vocabulary flashcards, some lessons seem to be completely wrong. For example, in Beginner Lesson #1, わたし (...and I learned how type in hiragana as well...) is listed as "Nihon jin" for Romaji, which I know is wrong. After going through all the lessons in order of release through Beginner Lesson #7, I have found that all Romaji readings in Beginner Lessons #1, #3, and #6 vocabulary flashcards are incorrect.

I truly dislike reporting an error so all can read and see where something has been missed; is there a dedicated email address that all potential typos can sent to be fixed? Or maybe if the forum is better, a forum that could be started to report errors in which the reported error could be removed after it was fixed on the site?

davidhallgren Team Member
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Postby davidhallgren » June 6th, 2006 2:14 pm

Thank you for noticing the (serious!) errors. I've updated all the incorrect words now. The error was a result from a mistake I made when importing the words from the previous site. Don't feel bad about posting mistakes in the forum. Other people might not have noticed this but rather learnt the incorrect form but get alerted by this post.

Again, thank you for noticing the mistake and congratulations on learning all the hiragana! これからもがんばってください。
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Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » June 12th, 2006 3:04 pm

There are still some syllables that have the very beginning of them cut off.

he, ho, ze, da, de,

di (the sound played is the same as du), po


ko, ka, kya, cho, to, te, ta, hyo, hyu, hya, he, ro, ryu, ryo, gyu, de, do, byo, bo, be, pa, pi, pu, po


the entire k- row except ku, sa, ta, te, cha, cho, hya, ho, ha, ya, yu, yo, ri, ro, ryu, ga, gya, gyo, za, da, dya, byo, bu, bi, ba, pyo, pi, pu, pe
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