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Jpod 2kyuu JLPT prep

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When do you plan to start studying for the next JLPT?

Right away, I need all year!
Maybe in a couple of months. I need a break.
Im starting to enjoy my current level, I will begin studying 4 or 5 months before the next one.
Cramming works best for me. I only need a few weeks to ace the test.
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Jpod 2kyuu JLPT prep

Postby Ikeda_Kat2007 » December 14th, 2007 4:47 am

I was looking at the JLPT study site and noticed that there is nothing about 1/2kyuu (or is there another page that Im missing?) I just took the 3kyuu, and while I am glad to have the site to continue reviewing (since 2 weeks of cramming probably won't stick for long) I was hoping a 2kyuu prep page was in the works. I REALLY need to get 2kyuu next year, so this would help me if I didn't have to buy additional study material, but could get everything I need right here on the fabulous jpod101 site.
Also, anyone already started studying for next years test?

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Postby Elfunko » December 18th, 2007 10:06 am

If you can get the 2kyuu in one year thats gonna be a heck of a study regamine. 1kyuu and 2kyuu stuff is needed. :roll:

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Postby Ikeda_Kat2007 » December 19th, 2007 10:04 am

Plenty of people have gone 3kyuu to 2kyuu/2kyuu to 1kyuu in a year. Its certainly not an impossible task. Im not worried about the "study regime" because Im not in school. I can learn my way. But why do I need 1kyuu, material, though?

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Postby Elfunko » December 19th, 2007 4:06 pm

LOL, no particular reason I guess. Good luck! You get a copy of the 2007 2kyuu test?

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I'm in!

Postby tiger » January 10th, 2008 5:40 am


My goal is to get 2-kyu this year too. I did 3-kyu a couple of years back and had a year off studying Jgo last year. The year before, I studied hard but didn't go for 3kyu, so now I have to do some revision and more! I'm only just working out what tools I'll use right now.

What's your plan? Jpod will definately help, I just need some more JLPT focussed material. I've got one book, but it's all Japanese, good for practice, not so good for learning.


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Postby Rizu » January 10th, 2008 3:41 pm

Sadly this is going to be an off-studying year. Between working, buying a house, planning a wedding (for October), and planning the honeymoon (to Japan of course - 3 weeks!), there's no way I can reach 2kyuu for this year. I'll probably pickup studying again after we return from the honeymoon once life gets back to normal, but I'm not going to push too hard. I'll probably aim for 2010.

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Postby Elfunko » January 16th, 2008 9:44 am

LOL, 2010, thats the same time Im aiming to graduate college (as a 6th year). ;) Im studying in many different ways, but as of now no hard work on just teh JLPT, just a bunch of small projects and goals that will culminate hopefully into passing the 2kyu.

Of course, if you guys want some good ideas on studying and such, go to forums under the study japanese section and check out the study for the 1kyu threads and such. Harder tests, harder studying, better results. :)

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Postby プチクレア » January 16th, 2008 7:01 pm

I'm aiming for 2級 too this year....I've been saying so for the past 2 year at least, but since I'm on leave from the hospital until november and actually have more time on my hands than i've had in the past 4 years, I guess 2008 is the right time for that...
さっぱり分からない !...

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Postby Rizu » January 17th, 2008 4:21 pm

Yeah 2010 seems so far away, but I'll probably take the same approach as you, Elfunko. I'll study here and there over the next few years in hopes that will accumulate to 2kyuu. Plus, I want to feel more confident for 2kyuu than I did for 3kyuu, so I know it'll take time. I don't want to push myself like I did this past year. :oops:

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Postby Elfunko » January 18th, 2008 11:26 am

Well, when you do study make sure to push yourself to understand everything, the nuance, the actual translation you would give whatever you are interpreting. I don't study that hard, but I am also in Japan and speaking at my leisure, like tonight in a few minutes when I go out to the bars. Make flashcards for words, kanji on one side and hiragana on the other, with the translation tiny and small in a corner so as not to be distracted. Learn the kanji, their meaning, usage, etc. Learning at your leisure is fine, but you gotta keep on learning, don't start falling behind. :)

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