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Podcasts from the past

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Podcasts from the past

Postby teckid1991 » August 31st, 2009 6:43 pm

I was searching through the podcasts from beginners season 1 and was just remembering how much I enjoyed them (I first listened to some of your podcasts about 2 years ago) but when I started to scroll down I noticed that starting with the forth lesson the audio podcasts (which previously where free) are in the "basic" section. I was a bit confused... we now have to pay in order to hear podcasts we have at one point heard for free?

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Postby untmdsprt » September 1st, 2009 12:24 am

If you go to their download center page, it states that the free feed is now limited to their 10 most current episodes.

Given the popularity of Jpod101, it seems they had to take measures to cut down on congestion with their servers, etc. I'm assuming that iTunes is just a frontend and not an actual storage space for everyone to put their content on.

Besides it takes a lot of hard work to keep this thing going. I'm currently doing an internship there, and can appreciate everyone and this podcast more.
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