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IT job in finance industry

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IT job in finance industry

Postby skrba » June 2nd, 2008 6:08 am

Hello everyone,

Even there are other forums specialized for jobs in Japan, I found JPod members are giving 100% generous answers, no useless comments.

I am already working as a Java developer in small company in Kansai (more than 2,5 years in Japan) and even I like my present job, I am considering to move to Tokyo because there is real business and much better chances. I got a call from recruiter about a job in foreign investment institution and great conditions, but I have never met anybody who works such job to give me advice or share experience.

I would be very very thankful if anybody who works IT in big foreign bank or financial industry tell me a few words about his experience. Something like do you recommend that kind of job, chances to learn and advance in position, is it too stressful, overtime issues, conditions, or anything else. My problem in small company is that seems like you can do very hard forever but there is no big hierarchy so you will stay on your place very long time. Of course, there is no any words about bonuses, trainings or similar :(

Also, I would ask if anybody works in some of big Japanese electronic or car makers to give me similar hints because that is my second choice. But I am wondering how easy is to enter such company for foreigner whose Japanese level is a little bit under JLPT 2...? Panasonic interviewer told me I must have JLPT 2, so I am preparing it for this December.

Thank you so much in advance for any help!

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Postby JonB » June 3rd, 2008 12:31 am

Wow there is a a foreign finance company recruiting at the moment? I can tell you it is not the one I work in!

I have been working in the finance sector for a number of years and it is quite hard to remember what is was like working for a small company before getting the opportunity to transfer to the finance worl and learn C - yes it was that long ago!

One of the factors that you need to consider is it front office or back office? If you don't know the difference then front is dealing with traders and fund managers and back office more with accountants, sales, marketing etc. Front office tends to be higher stress but that is not to say back office is without stress.

Pay and bonuses are generally significantly higher - if your offer is not get your agent to negotiate!! After all he/she will be getting a percentage based on your salary so good incentive. Check out the salary survey here to get some idea、check out the last page.


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Postby skrba » June 3rd, 2008 3:16 am

Thanks a lot JonB, really useful answer, info like that worths much more than any official web page from company or recruiter!

I saw many ads about finance jobs for foreigners but didn't pay attention too much before, now I am seriously thinking to shift. I see salaries are much bigger, and stress is present everywhere, so I thought if am already spending 10 hours or so per day to do the job, better to spend them for bigger rewards even responsibility is bigger.

For me front office seems better (contacting outside people too is much better that just inside), and getting some trading knowledge seems more interesting than accounting.

But I was worried when they said there is cooperation with teams in London, New York and Singapore, does it means you always must be ready to jump and get on job even in the middle of the night? Does it mean working on weekends is usual thing? And I am wondering are guys working in finance industry able to get one or two weeks off and go to holidays, or they will be busy until the death? :)

One of the best things that attracts me is the possibility to get some trainings. As maybe some other guys are reading this and have similar questions about job, I will say my experience (worked in two private companies in Japan) is that I haven't heard any small company will invest specially in you because they don't expect you will be there forever. Maybe I am wrong, but other friends told me their experience as well.

Anyway, thanks again and I hope there will be more posts here!

Expert on Something
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Joined: December 20th, 2006 2:35 am

Postby JonB » June 3rd, 2008 1:48 pm

But I was worried when they said there is cooperation with teams in London, New York and Singapore, does it means you always must be ready to jump and get on job even in the middle of the night? Does it mean working on weekends is usual thing? And I am wondering are guys working in finance industry able to get one or two weeks off and go to holidays, or they will be busy until the death?

All good questions to ask in the interview. It could also mean trips to those locations... Also you could be working on chase the sun applications. A lot of global companies will have common global applications which could be hosted in the US or Europe etc.

Yes there will be anti social hours but you also get to meet/work with a very diversified group of people. Another advantage of front office is language - quite often the front office language is English, but don't stop the learning :lol:

And yes we are allowed holidays too - you will probably find it encouraged.

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