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I want to study in Nagoya... any ideas?

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I want to study in Nagoya... any ideas?

Postby Konnichiwajessi » January 2nd, 2008 7:58 pm

I what to study in Nagoya, but all of the echange student programs all lead to either Osaka or Toykyo. I don't know what to do! The school I am planning to study at is the international Highschool of Nagoya. I have contact with headmaster of the school, but I don't know if that's all I have to do. My friend told me I could try to go over without a echange student program, but how will my State know (i live in America) if I'm studing in Japan. It's an international school, so I should be able to attend there, right?! But I havn't found any programs that lead to Nagoya! Should I try to go without a program? Or is it really important to be with one when studing in Japan? Could some one just fill me in? And does any one have other ideas that could help me?

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Postby sinbadx81 » January 18th, 2008 4:49 pm

A program can help nurture your Japanese study, which you can then go out and practice everyday. You'll pick up a good bit of the language without a program, but it can help start connections and develop social networks to branch out into the community with.

One school that I've heard recommended is Yamasa, which is just outside Nagoya. Have a look at the site below. My friend studied there and seemed to enjoy the experience. The people that study seem to be all ages and backgrounds so it could provide an interesting experience.

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Postby sashimidimsum7250 » April 1st, 2008 8:37 pm

I'd love to go that school since it sounds pretty good. I wish I could but unfortunately I can't take that much time off work.

I sometimes feel like I've hit a wall and immersion is the only answer. sigh.

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