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Natsuko: 夏子です。
Peter: Peter here.
Sachiko: Sachiko here. Postcards chapter 9. Signed, Sealed and Delivered.
Peter: I like to sell!
Sachiko: Yes it’s the final chapter.
Natsuko: Yeay…
Sachiko: Yeah in the romance between Ishihara san and Sasaki san. What’s going to happen?
Natsuko: I hope it will be a happy end.
Peter: Normally in the other way.
Sachiko: Why would you say that? My goodness! We came all the way here and you are going to let it flop. Are you kidding me?
Peter: Umm! I think that you are pulling for them.
Sachiko: I have been rooting for him since chapter 1. If they don’t get together, I am going to be really disappointed.
Natsuko: Me too.
Sachiko: Now the last time we checked, they played the last mind game of their life. So they actually tricked each other into showing up at a Chapel right?
Natsuko: Yep.
Sachiko: So I am assuming that this chapter is going to be a good one, no?
Peter: Natsuko san what can you tell us about today’s conversation?
Natsuko: Well, what about just jump in and listen to it.
Peter: All right. Now there are three people in this conversation. Ishihara san, Sasaki san and...
Natsuko: Let’s just jump in to the conversation.
Peter: All right, here we go.
牧師: 石原さんは、佐々木さんを妻として、健やかなる時も病める時も、いたわり、尽くし、生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
石原: 誓います。
牧師: 佐々木さんは、石原さんを夫とし、健やかなる時も病める時も、いたわり、尽くし、生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
佐々木: 誓います。
牧師: 宜しい。新郎と新婦は、神と会衆との前において夫婦の誓約をなせり。ここにこの男女の夫婦たることを宣言します。では指輪の交換を...
牧師: 誓いのくちづけを証とし、これより二人を夫婦とします。
牧師: 石原さんは、佐々木さんを妻として、健やかなる時も病める時も、いたわり、尽くし、生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
石原: 誓います。
牧師: 佐々木さんは、石原さんを夫とし、健やかなる時も病める時も、いたわり、尽くし、生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
佐々木: 誓います。
牧師: 宜しい。新郎と新婦は、神と会衆との前において夫婦の誓約をなせり。ここにこの男女の夫婦たることを宣言します。では指輪の交換を...
牧師: 誓いのくちづけを証とし、これより二人を夫婦とします。
牧師: 石原さんは、佐々木さんを妻として、健やかなる時も病める時も、いたわり、尽くし、生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
PRIEST: Do you, Mr. Ishihara, promise to care for, devote yourself to and live together with Ms. Sasaki as your wife in sickness and in health?
石原: 誓います。
牧師: 佐々木さんは、石原さんを夫とし、健やかなる時も病める時も、いたわり、尽くし、生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
PRIEST: Do you, Ms. Sasaki, swear that you will care for, devote yourself to and live together with Mr. Ishihara as your husband in sickness &in health?
佐々木: 誓います。
SASAKI: I swear.
牧師: 宜しい。新郎と新婦は、神と会衆との前において夫婦の誓約をなせり。ここにこの男女の夫婦たることを宣言します。では指輪の交換を...
PRIEST: Good. The bride and groom have made their marriage vows in the presence of God and the congregation. I pronounce this man and this woman to be husband and wife. So please exchange your rings.
(they exchange rings.)
牧師: 誓いのくちづけを証とし、これより二人を夫婦とします。
PRIEST: Your kiss, an oath, is the testimony by which we shall call you husband and wife.
(they seal the oath with a kiss.)
Sachiko: Natsuko san どう思いましたか?
Natsuko: あ、よかったですね。安心しました。
Sachiko: ほっとしましたね。本当に。
Peter: You both can relax or?
Sachiko: Yeah I am just relieved for them. My goodness!
Natsuko: I agree.
Sachiko: After all those postcards in between each other, how could you not have a good ending?
Natsuko: Right.
Sachiko: I am really relieved for them.
Peter: Is it the ending though?
Sachiko: Oh, oh! Is there more? Is there a chapter 10?
Peter: We will find out next week.
Sachiko: Okay we will find out next week. Okay!

Lesson focus

Peter: But in the meantime, we kind of wanted to take today to show you I mean you deserved it after nine weeks of waiting or eight weeks of waiting. Yes they are getting together and we wanted to take today to kind of introduce a western style wedding in Japan and now you heard the conversation and you are probably not too familiar with a lot of the vocab words but once you heard the translation, probably a few bells started ringing. Now we are going to go in and take a look at the vows and what was said and I think you are going to be surprised at how close it is to the English.
Sachiko: Exactly.
Natsuko: 石原さんは佐々木さんを妻として、健やかなる時も病めるときも、労わり、尽くし、生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
Sachiko: Ishihara san. Do you take Sasaki san as your wife in sickness and in health to cherish and I actually don’t know the rest of this. What’s the rest of this?
Peter: Natsuko san can help us out with that. Natsuko san?
Natsuko: Why? So who among us actually got married and heard the vows in person.
Peter: Well I was the best man but I was a little worried about the ring. So…
Sachiko: So you weren’t really paying attention. Were you?
Peter: Yeah but let’s take a look at it part by part and my favorite part in sickness and in health. So Natsuko san, can you give us the first part one more time?
Natsuko: 石原さんは佐々木さんを妻として
Peter: Okay stop right there. So what we want to point out here is that 妻として wife as and here we have the object marker を and what are we marking here Natsuko san?
Natsuko: 佐々木さん
Peter: So Sasaki san as your wife followed by
Natsuko: 健やかなる時も
Sachiko: Healthy times which in English is “health” as in sickness and in health.
Peter: And then we have next, sickness.
Natsuko: 病める時も
Sachiko: Sick time.
Peter: Now this word here 病める, now this is the only time that I have come across this word used this way.
Natsuko: Yes.
Sachiko: Me too. I have never…
Natsuko: It’s a very old style Japanese.
Sachiko: I agree, I agree.
Peter: The first time I heard it, I thought 病める I was like is someone…
Natsuko: Quitting.
Sachiko: Quitting.
Peter: Yeah.
Sachiko: My goodness, last minute, okay.
Peter: Last – Really last minute.
Sachiko: Truly.
Peter: But if you look at the character, it’s the character 病 in 病気
Sachiko: Which is sickness.
Peter: Exactly.
Sachiko: So it’s not quit, it’s when you are sick.
Peter: Yeah. So some people who are probably wondering about that and there is your answer. Next we have
Natsuko: 労わり、尽くし
Peter: Umm…
Sachiko: To cherish.
Peter: Wow!
Natsuko: Yes to respect or maybe to care for…
Sachiko: To care for….
Natsuko: And 尽くし maybe devote yourself to.
Sachiko: Good translation.
Peter: To care for and to devote. Who says we don’t give you great information.
Natsuko: It’s beautiful. Use it with your girlfriend right now. Use this word I 労わる you. beautiful.
Peter: I 労わる?
Natsuko: Oh yeah.
Peter: How do we use it properly?
Natsuko: 私はあなたを労わります。 I will take good care of you.
Peter: Ah I am a little smitten now.
Sachiko: Ah…Well try it, try it at home.
Peter: 頑張ります。
Natsuko: 頑張ります。
Peter: 私は、あなたを労わります。
Sachiko: I just felt something in my heart just really warm and just feel, like really warm right now. So…
Peter: I think Natsuko feels a little left out.
Sachiko: Okay…
Peter: Let’s give her one.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: 私は夏子さんを労わります。
Natsuko: はい。どうもありがとう。次行こうか。
Sachiko: Oh yeah, woman of the 20th century.
Natsuko: Yes.
Sachiko: Very cool.
Peter: All right but the point is 労わる
Natsuko: でも Well, when you use it, you don’t use it in daily conversation. Do you?
Peter: I don’t know.
Sachiko: Well Japanese couples usually don’t talk about their feelings that much to begin with…
Natsuko: Umm…
Sachiko: So..
Natsuko: Also I noticed that you know, the word 労わる is usually used for third person, someone in the topic but not someone you talk to.
Peter: Can you give us an example?
Natsuko: Like you know, husband can say to someone else 私は妻を労わります but maybe not directly to the person that you want to.
Sachiko: To the wife. 僕は君を労わるよ。
Natsuko: That sounds maybe a bit awkward.
Peter: So what would you say?
Natsuko: 大事にする。 Maybe 大事にする is more frequently used word which just means just take good care of.
Sachiko: Yes it's the same meaning but in a different way.
Peter: Okay next.
Natsuko: 生涯を共にすることを誓いますか?
Sachiko: Do you promise to spend your life together? 生涯 is the word for the entire life. So lifetime. So literally lifetime followed by object marker を共にする means to share. So lifetime share, do you swear. So altogether it means, do you swear to share your lifetime with this person? Nice.
Peter: Yeah and in the translation, do you promise, it’s that whole do you take this person and then we have the answer. Natsuko san
Natsuko: 誓います。 I do.
Peter: Yeah come on, Natsuko san, what kind of 誓います was that?
Sachiko: More emotion baby!
Natsuko: Well it’s a formal situation here. Isn’t it?
Sachiko: That’s right. Now actually a lot of my foreign friends have commented that Japanese weddings even though it’s a happy occasion, people are so serious. They dress all in black and they look really serious faced and nobody breaks into laughter.
Natsuko: Nobody.
Sachiko: Yeah it’s very bizarre, isn’t it?
Natsuko: Oh really?
Sachiko: It’s not the occasion but it’s very solemn too. It is.
Natsuko: Interesting.
Sachiko: Yeah.
Peter: Interesting.
Sachiko: A lot of crying too because they are so emotional. Parents crying, uncles crying.
Peter: Well there are various reasons to cry.
Sachiko: Exactly.
Peter: Now interesting story about this word 誓います now it’s literally translated as to promise. So when I first came to Japan and I wanted to say promise, I would use 誓います。
Sachiko: Which is completely weird.
Peter: Well they can put it in so lively and Natsuko thank you for acting support.
Natsuko: I imagined you. You are always you know answering 誓います。誓います。じゃ、三時に行くことを誓います。
Peter: そう、その通りです。
Natsuko: That’s so funny.
Peter: Somebody said to me, somebody asked me 三時に、そう三時に行きますか?はい、誓います。 So I didn’t realize that it takes on the meaning of you know swear with your whole life and you know…
Natsuko: Yes right. It’s a really big serious word.
Peter: Yes.
Sachiko: Ok, So I will see you at 3 o’ clock?
Natsuko: Yes I swear with my life. I will be there.
Sachiko: So solemn, so serious.
Peter: Yeah I think if you find yourself in a situation, the word that I wanted to say was.
Natsuko: 約束します。
Peter: Yeah.
Sachiko: Live and learn.
Natsuko: There you go.
Peter: Learn through my mistakes.
Natsuko: Yes. Let’s all learn.
Peter: Alright moving on.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Then we have the same conversation. So then Ishihara promises the same thing. Now Sasaki san says the same thing and remember, the person conducting the ceremony is the priest which in Japanese is
Natsuko: 牧師
Peter: So he is conducting this and Sasaki san agrees. She promises with
Natsuko: 誓います
Peter: Then we have the ring exchange. In Japanese, this is
Natsuko: 指輪の交換
Peter: Now we have the priest confirming that they promised to love each other for the rest of their lives which is
Natsuko: 新郎と神父は神と会衆の前において夫婦の誓約を成す. So it’s really again very old-fashioned because it’s a ceremonial situation.
Peter: Yeah this is not a very common Japanese that you will come across each day. This is followed by
Natsuko: ここに、この男女の夫婦たることを宣言します。
Peter: So announcing that they are now man and wife.
Natsuko: では、指輪の交換を。
Peter: And then they exchange rings. Now after they exchange rings…
Natsuko: 誓いの口づけを証とし、これより二人を夫婦とします。
Peter: They will have a wedding kiss.
Natsuko: Yes you may kiss the bride finally…
Peter: Yep.
Sachiko: And with that, we call you husband and wife.
Peter: Perfect yeah and you know, it’s such – the Japanese sounds so much better than you may kiss the bride. First we have the word for kiss Natsuko san which is
Natsuko: 口づけ
Peter: And then this is the proof.
Natsuko: 証
Peter: Okay again inside the PDF, we are running a little short of time here. So we are going to have to rush through the rest of this. Then we have.
Natsuko: これより二人を夫婦とします。
Peter: Okay now in between, there is one point in the Japanese wedding where the couple will sign…
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Documentation making them man and wife. Now of course, this again is kind of for show. The real registration takes place at city hall.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: 市役所。 Okay but here this is kind of a show. They come back, they turn, they face the crowd. The priest announces them as man and wife with the names and sends them on their way.
Sachiko: And it’s a happy ending for Sasaki san and Ishihara san
Natsuko: Yay…
Sachiko: Finally yay…
Natsuko: Congratulations.
Sachiko: And don’t tell me there is a chapter 10. Turn all this around.


Peter: All right, a happy ending and that’s going to do for today.
Natsuko: じゃ、また来週。
Sachiko: また来週。


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