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Lesson Transcript

Natsuko: 夏子です。
Sachiko: さちこです。
Peter: Peter here. Postcards, chapter 5.
Natsuko: あ、また葉書のシリーズですね。
Sachiko: そうですね。可愛らしい恋愛物語ですね。
Natsuko: うん。あの後、確か石原さんが嘘をついていたことがわかって、それで佐々木さんはそれを読んでどうしたんでしょうね。
Peter: Yes Mr. Ishiara was lying. And when Ms. Sasaki read what he wrote, yeah I wonder what happened.
Natsuko: でも、石原さんは佐々木さんの気持ちを確かめたくて嘘をついたんですよね。
Sachiko: うん。嘘もね、いいときと悪い時もあるんですけど、どうでしょう。佐々木さんはどう思ったかな。
Natsuko: ちょっと知りたいですね。
Sachiko: わくわく。
Peter: Yeah let’s find out what’s going on now. Here we go.
Ms. Sasaki,
The cherry blossom season has now past, and yet I still wonder where you could be?
I visited the place where we first met on the day specified in the previous letter and waited all day,
but you did not come.
As I have not heard from you for a long while, I am a little concerned.
If you read this letter, please reply.
Sachiko: 夏子さん。どう思いますか?この発展具合は。
Natsuko: まずいよ、石原さん。ふられちゃってるよ。
Sachiko: 佐々木さん怒ってますね。来なかったですね。
Natsuko: うん、ちょっと怒ってるみたいですね。
Peter: Yeah she seems not happy and where is he left now? Thank goodness, there is a chapter 6.
Natsuko: There must be.
Peter: There must be.
Natsuko: We can’t finish here.
Sachiko: Yeah.
Peter: Yeah.
Sachiko: 夏子さんが佐々木さんになったらどうしますか?
Peter: What would you do if you were her?
Sachiko: Ummmm..
Natsuko: 難しいですね。
Sachiko: It’s very difficult. なってみないとわからないですね。 You won’t know until you are in her shoes.
Natsuko: 相手の人によりますね。
Sachiko: Ah…
Peter: It depends on the person who did that.
Sachiko: Exactly.
Sachiko: じゃあ単語を見て行きましょう。
Natsuko: はい。前回。
Sachiko: Last time, last installment, last session 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: 前回負けたので、今回は絶対勝ちます。
Sachiko: I lost last time, so this time, I am definitely going to win. 次、お願いします。
Natsuko: 場所
Sachiko: Place, location. 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: 昨日と同じ場所で事故がありました。
Sachiko: There was an accident at the same location as yesterday.
Natsuko: うん。ちょっと問題がありそうですね。
Sachiko: そうですね。ちょっと。事故の多い場所なんですかね。 It’s a place where they have a lot of accidents. Not good. 次お願いします。
Natsuko: 参る
Sachiko: The humble form for to go, to come but there are other meanings. 例文をお願いします。
Natsuko: ちょっと来てください。すぐ参ります。
Peter: Please come and I will be there right away. Now what can we tell from hearing this conversation? What can we tell about the relationship between two people?
Natsuko: The rhyme of a lower standing because I am using the humble form 参る。
Peter: Yeah.
Natsuko: And I use the polite form of that 参ります I imagine it’s like a customer and someone in the store, a clerk.
Peter: Actually when I think of 参ります I think of the train.
Sachiko: Ah…
Natsuko: Ahh.. 急行が参ります。 一番ホームに電車が参ります。
Peter: Yep.
Natsuko: 黄色い線の内側に下がってお待ちください。Oh you hear that about the 1000 times a day.
Peter: Yep. I imagine that people who work at the train stations, once they retire, they must have to play that song just...
Natsuko: Yeah..
Peter: They – I don’t know how they do it. I don’t know how they.. 電車が参ります。
Sachiko: Well I was just assuming they were using a taping. You can’t possibly sit there all day and say the same phrase.
Peter: So you think about saying it and I think about hearing it…
Sachiko: Oh…
Peter: You never…
Sachiko: I am more the proletariat. I think about the workers. So next.
Natsuko: 心配
Sachiko: Worry, concern, anxiety, care 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: 心配で心配で、夜も眠れません。
Sachiko: I am so worried I can’t even sleep at night. 可哀想ですね。
Natsuko: そうですね。ここは二回繰り返してるんで、余計こう、心配だっていうことを強く言っている、そういう表現ですね。
Sachiko: You can really feel the anxiety because she is saying it twice 心配で心配で and the way you say it too. There is emotion behind it. Okay great 次、お願いします。
Natsuko: 葉書
Sachiko: Postcard. 例文をお願いします。
Natsuko: 弟は色々は絵葉書を集めています。
Sachiko: My little brother collects various postcards.
Natsuko: そういう趣味の人もいるんですかね。
Sachiko: そうですね。絵葉書、色々きれいなのありますもんね。
Natsuko: そうですね。切手とかも一般的な趣味ですけどもね。
Peter: Do you know anyone who collects postcards?
Natsuko: Well I kind of but not actively collect but I try to keep the beautiful ones.
Peter: Really?
Natsuko: Yes and hang on the walls.
Sachiko: That’s nice.
Peter: Thank goodness. I didn’t say my initial thought. That girl doesn’t look like she likes postcards. That’s great Natsuko san.
Sachiko: How many do you have? How many do you have?
Natsuko: Ah I don’t remember. Umm like well, I use them occasionally but umm about 20 or 30.
Sachiko: Oh…
Peter: Small walls.

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay so Natsuko san, let’s take a look at today’s grammar point. Now in the previous lessons, we were going over 尊敬語 polite Japanese.
Natsuko: いらっしゃる
Peter: Now let’s take a look at the last line of the postcard.
Natsuko: もしこの葉書を読まれましたらお返事ください。
Peter: If you read this letter, please reply but Natsuko san why isn’t it もしこの葉書を読んだら or 読みましたら Why is it the same construction as the passive 読まれる。読まれました。 Why is it the same?
Natsuko: This is another form of 尊敬語。
Peter: Yes if you are not confused enough, welcome to the club.
Natsuko: So yes as Peter said, it takes the same form as passive. That’s why it’s really confusing.
Peter: Yeah so you are going to have to check the PDF today because to get into this would take a lot of time. However again what gives it away are the particles where the object marker comes and in the sentence, the object marker marks 葉書 postcards. So 佐々木さん if she reads this postcard and to elevate her further, the grammar used is the same. The construction is the same as the passive, that’s the key here. The construction is the same but the meaning is quite different. It’s showing respect to the person you are addressing.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now class I verbs aren’t too bad because it can only be the passive or 尊敬語 the polite form. Now we will cover class II in an upcoming lesson and that’s where it gets really confusing because there is three possibilities but again context, particles are what will tell you what grammatical structure is being used whether its 尊敬語 or the passive. Again more inside the PDF.
Sachiko: Be sure to check it out.


Peter: So that’s going to do for today.
Natsuko: じゃあ、また来週。
Sachiko: また来週。


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