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i /na adjectives

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i /na adjectives

Postby martinbendig_513614 » October 4th, 2016 5:23 pm


I am currently trying to learn how to use/conjugate adjectives. Therefore, i looked at several sources, but got contradicting information. I would like to share my findings and maybe you guys can help me to clear up the confusion. :-) Ok here we go using some sample sentences...


before noun:

samui otenki (desu)
samui otenki deshita
samui otenki ja nai
samui otenki ja nakatta

after noun:

otenki wa samui (desu)
otenki wa samukatta
otenki wa samukunai
otenki wa samukunakatta


before noun:

kantan na tesuto desu/da
kantan na tesuto deshita/datta
kantan na tesuto ja nai
kantan na tesuto ja nakatta

after noun:

tesuto wa kantan desu/da
tesuto wa kantan deshita/datta
tesuto wa kantan ja nai
tesuto wa kantan ja nakatta

Are these sample sentences correct? Did I understand it correctly?

Contradicting information I found:

a) you must conjugate an i-adj. only when it is used at the end of a sentence vs. you can conjugate the adj. and then add te noun after it.
e.g.: samui otenki deshita vs. samukatta otenki

b) when using na-adj. you need to use na and then the noun + conjugated desu vs. you need to put the conjugated desu between the adj. and the noun
e.g.: kantan na tesuto deshita vs. kantan deshita tesuto

Thank you in advance

Best Regards

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Re: i /na adjectives

Postby community.japanese » October 12th, 2016 10:49 pm

Your sentences are grammatically correct and conjugation is perfect.
I can understand you translated ‘the wearther is cold’ into Japanese.
However, when you talk about the weather in Japanese, you should not ‘otenki wa samui’ or ‘otenki wa atsui.’
We just say ‘samui desu’ and ‘atsui desu.’
Yuki 由紀

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