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Japanese Cellphone

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Japanese Cellphone

Postby nyappyrebecca » January 27th, 2010 5:22 am

I've done some extensive research. I heard you have to be a resident to own a Japanese cellphone but I heard it's possible to get cellphones through certain cellphone carriers outside of Japan because of those like me who like to travel. I am interested in owning a Japanese cellphone but my question it possible to find a carry to make it work outside of Japan? If I want to use a net or join a site that is a Japanese cellphone site locked type of thing. Is this possible?
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Postby minscie1859 » June 12th, 2010 5:32 pm

I'm also interested of this coz im in Japan when the iphone 4g will be released... so ive been thinking if i could buy one from there and use it in europe..? im sure somebody knows.. xD

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