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JP101 Cooking show series

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JP101 Cooking show series

Postby 1japanese4me » July 12th, 2007 3:08 pm

You should make an Intermediate series about cooking since it seems like half the shows on Japanese TV are about cooking!
it would be great to learn some advanced words to describe food and smells. Some thing more than basics like Umai and Oiishii
Plus im sure some good food preperation terms would really impress Japanese friends.
Everyone loves food, you cant go wrong.

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Re: JP101 Cooking show series

Postby Ulver_684 » December 2nd, 2007 4:41 am

1japanese4me wrote:You should make an Intermediate series about cooking since it seems like half the shows on Japanese TV are about cooking!
it would be great to learn some advanced words to describe food and smells. Some thing more than basics like Umai and Oiishii
Plus im sure some good food preperation terms would really impress Japanese friends.
Everyone loves food, you cant go wrong.

1Japanese4me-san! :wink:

Yes I agree with you, Neil-san suggested the same idea too. :D ... /#comments


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