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Are Flashcards working properly?

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Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby kevinhanel925503 » March 23rd, 2013 12:21 pm

Dear JP101 Support Team,

I have been using the flashcard system quite frequently and wanted to ask a few questions about it.
Even though I answered the cards correctly and it's showing that this card will be shown next in 3 months, the next time I start a session, the exact same cards from before are shown again with some minor changes (4-5 cards).
I wonder why that is and if this system is working properly yet? Because at the current state it seems kinda broken to me.
Another issue I have run into quite often is the following:
When attempting to change to the Flashcards with Chrome, the site glitches out and is attempting to load them for all eternity, with the format of the site completely broken.
With other browsers like Internet Explorer or Firefox, this works just fine.
A fix for that problem would be very appreciated, because it is quite a bother to change browser in order to just launch the flashcard system.
I really enjoy the idea of working with this system and think it's a great addition to this site, which helped me very much with my studies, but at the current state, it is not really working that well for me.
I hope that those issues will get fixed in the near future.



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Re: Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby community.japanese » March 24th, 2013 11:48 am

we're very sorry about the technical problem you encountered. :(

I'll talk to the technical team to find out the situation; someone will get back to you shortly with proper answers.
Thank you very much for your patience, and also for letting us know about this problem!
Hope you can enjoy other features in meanwhile. :)

kind regards,


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Re: Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby Jessi » March 26th, 2013 2:40 am

Hi Kevin-san,
Thanks for posting!

I think what may be happening is that you are seeing a different study mode for the same word. It will depend on your deck settings, but cards normally have different study modes - Recognition, Production, and Listening Comprehension. So while you may have marked a Recognition card as one that you know well, it's possible that in the next session you may get, for example, the Production card for that word. I think that may be what is happening here.
If you would like to remove certain study modes, you can do so in the deck settings.
If you have any other questions, please let us know!

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Re: Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby Garyjukes87_514071 » November 1st, 2016 5:56 pm

Hi, I'm also having a problem when clicking on the 'Review' button, A popup opens and asks if I want to launch flashcards and add lesson vocabulary to a new deck, after clicking 'OK' the page is stuck on a loading loop and doesn't seem to ever complete the action. I am also using google chrome. I've been able to make other decks no problem, but this particular course 'introduction to Japanese kanji' seems to not work as intended.

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Re: Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby lena_511666 » December 15th, 2016 6:41 am

Hello Gary,

We're sorry for the inconvenience.
I reported the issue a few days ago and our tech team is working on it.
Please stay tuned.
I will post again when I can provide more information.
Thank you for your patience.


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Re: Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby Balsa1 » July 16th, 2017 7:24 am

I have to reload all the time, in the midst of a revision, everything just gets blocked and I have to reload again and again. Safari, Google even Firefox on a Mac (antivirus Kaspersky) :(

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Re: Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby ofeliadgrd » August 17th, 2017 7:50 am

Hi Balsa1,

We are sorry to hear that. Could you send a message to including details about the problem you are experiencing, the device you are using and its operative system?

Thank you,

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Re: Are Flashcards working properly?

Postby Balsa1 » August 17th, 2017 4:12 pm

strangely it seems to be fine now, maybe some Safari bug on my side :?

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