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Kana recognition improvement

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Kana recognition improvement

Postby briannewton » July 7th, 2006 6:33 pm

Hey guys,

This is my first post. I started listening a month or two ago and have started from your first podcast, listening to 6 or 7 every day I commute. I'm up to May finally. =)

My feature request is for the Kana recognition section to have abit of adaptive ability. Meaning, if you miss a kana, make it more likely to show up again. I took a decent amount of Japanese in college, so I knew all the Kana at one point, but some stuck more than others. And rather than see all the kana until I find one I'm not good at remembering it would be great if when you got a kana right it took it out of the cycle for example.

I know you can just uncheck the ones you know below to drill the ones you don't, but for general practice I think it'd be much easier just to check them all and then let the system drill you on the ones that you can't remember very well.

Just a suggestion. ;) Thanks guys and great job otherwise, I love the podcasts!

Brian Newton

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Postby Jason » July 7th, 2006 6:44 pm

I actually mentioned this to them a while back. They should be looking into it.
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New in Town
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Postby briannewton » July 7th, 2006 6:48 pm

Great. I'm a web developer and hate when people say, "It should be easy, just do this" when they have no idea how it was made.

But regardless, it should be easy. =) They're probably already building a list of the Kana to display and choosing randomly. When you get one correct, remove it from the list. Have reset rebuild the list.

Or something like that.

New in Town
Posts: 1
Joined: September 15th, 2006 9:43 am

Postby Fede » September 15th, 2006 10:04 am

Great information

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