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options after college Musicly in japan HELP n please be nice

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options after college Musicly in japan HELP n please be nice

Postby chris1989 » January 5th, 2007 2:15 am

Im 17 and from the UK I started College in september 2006 since starting i have had a bigger urge to move to japan not permanatly maybe 2, 3 even 4 years.
The college course im doing is Music Technology which covers everthing from producing making your own music to working roles in the music industry where you can get the know how to be an A&R to a being a manager, now i know this subject is connected with a HUGE industry globaly and it is very difficuilt to get into, so to do this in japan would be damn near impossible wont it?
But i recently learned Tokyo is the headquarters for the music industry in asia.

Now would anybody have any advice on if i should go to japan and try and get a internship or something at label which i know now will be hard enough, im drawing blanks because i have spent the last 3 hours reasearching this subject and have found nothing. Besides realising i could work for a radio station too.

Another option i found was doing a gap year after college to Tokyo with a agency learning japanese but i really dont know if this at all is relavent.

i hope someone can enlighten me on what i can do and where i can go.
ive only found the most useful so far.

please be kind :roll: lol :)

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Postby jkid » January 5th, 2007 7:09 am

Another option i found was doing a gap year after college to Tokyo with a agency learning japanese but i really dont know if this at all is relavent.

I think it is very relevant because you can take a gap year, improve your Japanese so you are at a level where you can function in a business environment (which will happen a lot faster if you were living Japan) and while you are there you could hunt for a job in the industry. Use Japanese friends you meet while your there if they know anyone. You never know who they are friends with. I'm sure you will be successful, you just need to be positive.

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Postby chris1989 » January 6th, 2007 12:36 am

:) yea it does seem to make more sense. Especialy you talking about learning japanese quicker.
i may do that.


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Postby untmdsprt » June 25th, 2007 11:26 am

Do what I'm doing and find everything out about their music. I have at least 5 bands I listen to regularly that are Japanese.

I also plan to get into their music industry. I'd like to do either copyrights or publishing, but I'm going to have to seriously know Japanese for that to happen!!

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Postby chris1989 » July 19th, 2007 1:20 am

Hi Yea i know loads about thier artists, i mainly listen to Hip Hop and Reagae (including japanese) you see but ive been listnin to anything they got from hip hop to rock to pop i can sorta tell what makes the japanese buzz when it comes to music, compaired to the americans and europeans. :lol:

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