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Sophia University or Kansai Gaidai?

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Sophia University or Kansai Gaidai?

Postby TetsuyaNomura » November 3rd, 2011 4:27 pm

I'm planning on studying abroad for all of next year at either Sophia or Kansai Gaidai.
The main reason I want to go is to improve my language skills.
Any suggestions on which school would be better for this?

They are both internaional universities and I'm kind of worried about everyone wanting to speak English instead of Japanese, but these are really the only two options available to me at my university. However, Wakayama Daigaku may also be a possibility, but I'm still not sure on that.

Thanks! :D

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Postby Psy » November 30th, 2011 5:03 pm

Can't speak from personal experience, but everyone I've known who went to Kansai have absolutely loved it. In Japan, so long as you know how to meet & treat people (ideally you should have some contacts before you get over there), you'll have plenty of opportunities to use the language. Just remember that humility is a virtue.
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