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What kind of jobs can u get if your not American/English? :P

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What kind of jobs can u get if your not American/English? :P

Postby mirandakokk6388 » August 23rd, 2010 2:26 pm

Hi im 15, and a girl btw ^^ and im like "looking" for a country to move to when i get old enough, i'm like really adventurus, i live in Sweden (for now, hihi) and i'v always loved Japan and i'v like heard alot of good things about it so it seemed like a good choice :/
or at least for a few years :P

but then i'm a little unsure cuz i'v heard that the most foreginers in japan work as english teachers, and yea i'm quite good at english but then i'v heard they'r mostely looking for native english speakers, witch i'm not ^w^

soo....witch jobs are the easiest/best to go for if your not japanese or american, lol? :3

and is there some special line thats good for getting a job in japan?

ok this might be a bit confusing but here we got like "gymnasium" in sweden and i think americans call it High School, but w.e in gymnasium we got like alot of different "lines" or w.e u call em' and there's like "music, nature, ehm:/ this was hard on and is there something or like some subject u should go for, man this was hard x'D

but try your best to understand, and reply x'D

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Postby Belton » August 24th, 2010 9:20 pm

For what it's worth my career advice would be to get a degree in something you really love and are good at.
If you can combine that with a practical ability to speak, read and write Japanese you have a fair chance of finding a niche for yourself in the Japanese job market or the Swedish/European job market as it relates to Japan.
And you can combine it with what will probably be near native level English by then.

A lot can happen in the 7 years or so it'll take you to finish high school/gymnasium and complete an undergraduate degree, both to the job markets and how you feel about what you want to do.

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Postby TetsuyaNomura » August 30th, 2010 3:34 pm

HI, I'm a freshman in college, and I'm also hoping to live in Japan when I graduate. I would love being an International Studies/East Asian Studies major, but I'm also worried that the only jobs available to EAS majors in Japan would be English teaching. Am I right in thinking this? I really love learning about Japan, but it's starting to seem like doing that in college will push me away from my goal... :cry:

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Postby Javizy » August 30th, 2010 10:13 pm

You just need to develop the same set of skills that would be marketable in your own country and back it up with a professional level of Japanese. Most English speakers work as English teachers because they don't have the skills/qualifications/experience or the level of Japanese required to do anything more promising (or they're just there for the experience).

Plan for your future as you would if you weren't planning to go abroad, and when you have the qualifications, skills and experience, you can move to Japan and continue with your career in a new and exciting environment. Keep up with your Japanese studies though (English won't hurt either)!

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