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Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies

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Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies

Postby yankeesamurai » June 15th, 2007 10:33 am

Has anyone here studied at the Inter-University Center in Yokohama? I've heard that it offers one of the best advanced Japanese language programs in Japan, but I've only met one of its graduates. Naturally, he stated that it was the best program of its kind in the world, but I'd like to hear a second if not third opinion before going any further. After all, it is a 15,000 dollar investment. Thanks!!!

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Postby annie » June 15th, 2007 11:03 am

I have a friend who did their summer session.... he also said that it was a good program, and that his only regret was having not done the year-long program.

$15,000 is really quite reasonable.
Cheaper than most private universities in the U.S.

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Postby yankeesamurai » June 15th, 2007 2:50 pm

Thank you kindly for the prompt and insightful feedback. I appreciate it.

Yes, it is a more than reasonable amount for a year's worth of quality instruction in Japanese, but I also factor in such things as my time, in this case, a year of my life, the cost of living, and finally and most costly economically speaking, taking leave from my career and being out of the market for a year! OUCH! Still, it is well worth the various costs if the return leaves me in the black in the end. :-)

As advanced Japanese language programs in Japan go, so far I have come across but two of note: IUC and the Yamasa Institute. At this point, I'm really just trying to determine which of the two schools will be able to bring me the most return on investment. In other words, most effectively and demonstrably assist me in further developing. bolstering. and refining my command of Japanese.

I appreciate everyone's kind feedback/testimonials! They will most assuredly assist me in making my final decision.

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