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Information of Studying Abroad

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Information of Studying Abroad

Postby laughinghyena21 » February 2nd, 2007 4:58 am

Hey Mina,

I was curious if anyone would know some information or some sites I can visit to get some more in deth information on studying Abroad (Japan)

Something and anything would be helpful

doumo arigatou gozaimasu
Ja ne

Established Presence
Posts: 59
Joined: January 14th, 2007 5:55 am

Postby laughinghyena21 » February 2nd, 2007 3:59 pm

Hey Mina,

OK I got some information from my local college about studying abroad, and it is more possible then I realized. A bit expensive but I feel it will be well worth it.

So what i found out is that through my local college has an agreement with another college in my state that offer studying abroad. Since my major is video game design, I have more of a chance to go to japan.

I already made an appointment with a director of the International program of the other college. I will keep you all posted, and I hope they tell me something that will make me rejoice like a little school girl.

Stay tune

Ja ne

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Postby padrik » May 2nd, 2007 7:30 pm

Check out this place, I studied there for a while and learned a ton. They have conversation based study, or full JLPT prep curriculum. Courses range from 6 weeks to 2 years. I am trying to decide when to go back myself for a refresher. Also, its not in Tokyo, and housing is close to campus, so much cheaper.


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Postby laughinghyena » July 4th, 2007 3:56 pm


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