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JLPT N5 July 2016 study group

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JLPT N5 July 2016 study group

Postby tkssmst_95_508991 » November 18th, 2015 3:56 pm

Dear all japanese lovers,
I'm organising a study group online meet for those who intend to take JLPT N5 2016.
Those who intend to join (regardless whether you are taking July or December), please post a reply on this forum and do let me know so that I can make arrangements.

I look forward to your interest in joining me.
Karl さん

P/s: please do help me spread the word since this forum is quite lonely and we need people to join =)

Dear japanesepod101,

Please do kindly give us the resources and the direction we need to go for this target. As I am a taking JLPT for the first time, I have totally no idea as to where to start and how the exam will look like(apart from the format written in JLPT website). And do also please give us a rough idea as to how many kanji should we be learning to make it sufficient.


Your student,
Last edited by tkssmst_95_508991 on November 21st, 2015 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: JLPT N5 July 2015 study group

Postby Kenjhee » November 21st, 2015 8:02 am

Well, I'm taking the N5 December 2015 (i.e. in two weeks) so I don't know how much help I can be. Maybe post-exam impressions?

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Re: JLPT N5 July 2016 study group

Postby community.japanese » November 23rd, 2015 10:46 am

Karl さん,
Firstly, you should not call yourself with さん.
Then please refer to the lessons below.

Karl san Keainka san,
gannbatte kudasai.

yuki 由紀

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