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JapanesePod101 and JLPT Levels

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JapanesePod101 and JLPT Levels

Postby torimodosu7 » October 25th, 2013 3:40 pm

Teachers and members:

Can you tell me how the course levels on JPod correlate with the JLPT levels?

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Re: JapanesePod101 and JLPT Levels

Postby community.japanese » October 29th, 2013 6:38 am

we often receive the same or similar questions from our listeners, but it's always difficult to
tell exactly which level you should study for certain JLPT level.
The biggest reason is because our lessons are based on grammar and conversational dialog,
just like many textbooks out there. However, JLPT is an exame with no clear statement regarding
grammar points covered in each level.

If you have already taken JLPT exam, you might have some idea about the level you are taking.
You can use our curriculums for each season of each level to find out which lesson(s) cover
what grammar points.

We also have JLPT preparation lessons. Hope you can find it useful.

Natsuko (奈津子),

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