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JLPT N5 Study Group

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JLPT N5 Study Group

Postby Valeriedreid6207 » April 8th, 2013 2:05 am

I thought it would be nice to have a thread for those who are currently studying for N5.

Perhaps we can network and get some study buddies, share advice (like good study materials), and, most important, keep each other motivated.

So: some questions to start

1. Why are you studying Japanese? Why do you want to pass N5? What is your ultimate goal?
2. What series/ season(s) are you listening to on JP101?
3. What are your go-to study materials (outside of JP101, of course.)?

My answers:
1. I want to pass N5 because I study best when there is an ultimate goal to my studying. As to why I'm studying Japanese: mainly to keep my brain young. Learning new things is suppose to help prevent dementia and such. Plus: it's fun! I'd love to visit Japan as a reward for passing N5!
2. I am currently listening to Newbie Season 2 as well as Absolute Beginner Season 1. The first is part one in the Nihongo Dojo series which was recommended to me as a good series to use to study for N5. Absolute Beginner is a great confidence builder. I love how in that series dialogues are very simple and repeated multiple times. Also, it has great cultural notes that make listening a treat.
3. I am studying using the Human Japanese program, Tae Kim's Learning Japanese Grammar app (practically a text book), Heisig's Remembering the Kanji book, and several iPhone apps for memorizing hiragana, katakana and kanji. I have found that Japanese Pod 101 is great for listening comprehension and grammar. Human Japanese is a great interactive textbook, and everything else I kind of use as filler/ study on the go stuff.

So: who else is getting ready for N5? Are you interested in a study group? If so: what would you like to get out of such a group.

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Re: JLPT N5 Study Group

Postby gaghl641295 » April 9th, 2013 1:38 am

1. I'm studying japanese because it's a gengo kirei :) My ultimate goal is to become certified in Bio-Chemistry in japan and I understand I would need to pass the JLPT N1 to do that.
2. Newbie 1-3
3. I heard that Heisig's book is pretty good so I plan on getting that, and I also want to get the JLPT N5 workbook. As of now? Nothing...

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Re: JLPT N5 Study Group

Postby community.japanese » April 9th, 2013 3:25 pm

Valerie-san, gaghl641295-san,
just a quick note to say thank Valerie-san for creating this forum!!
I'm sure there will be more and more people joing with same target :wink:

And thank you for joining the forum so soon, gaghl641295-san :D
How's our lesson of Newbie level helping you?

please feel free to use this forum to ask any questions when you're studying for JLPT :flower:


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Re: JLPT N5 Study Group

Postby mwbeale6642 » May 19th, 2013 7:56 am

Hi Valerie,

My recommendation would be to get and study this book. It contains everything you need to pass N5.

I think I'd want to be at the level of Beginner Series 6 to be confident about N5 (that means studying beginner series 4,5,6). Maybe you don't need to get quite that far, but I'd try to get somewhere into that beginner series 4,5,6 area. Listening to as much Japanese as possible through the Jpod101 podcasts seems like a good plan to me.

It is also a good idea to take the practice tests and to know the format of the exam. The Jpod101 N5 lessons would be useful for that too (but don't forget that Unicom book).

Good luck.


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Re: JLPT N5 Study Group

Postby community.japanese » May 22nd, 2013 7:00 am

just a quick note of apprecitation; thank you very much for a very helpful post!! :D


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Re: JLPT N5 Study Group

Postby Valeriedreid6207 » May 28th, 2013 2:38 am

Yes, this is very helpful. Thank you very much!

I'm currently working on Newbie Season 2, and hope to be to season 3 by mid-July.

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Re: JLPT N5 Study Group

Postby team.relationships » May 30th, 2013 8:17 am

Hi Valerie,

Great to have you here! :wink:
Good luck with the Newbie lessons and don't forget to let us know, how is it going! :)

Have a nice day,


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