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Natsuko: 夏子です。
Peter: Peter here. As always, brought to you by Erklaren, the translation and interpretation specialists. Natsuko san, back with the lower intermediate lesson.
Natsuko: Yes こんにちは。
Peter: こんにちは. Today’s lesson builds on the previous lower intermediate lesson らしい.
Natsuko: Oh I see!
Peter: Previously we were using this with nouns. Today we are going to take a look at using it with verbs.
Natsuko: How?
Peter: That’s what we are going to find out.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: Now, today’s conversation is between two male friends and they are speaking about Take’s girlfriend, or former girlfriend? We are going to have to tune in and find out. All right, with that said, let’s get into today’s lesson. Here we go.
ひろ: 聞いた?聞いた?
たけ: どうしたの?
ひろ: 山田さんが年末宝くじ当たったらしい!
たけ: マジで!
ひろ: うん、3億円だよ!!!
たけ: 3億円?
ひろ: 君たち二人は幸せだよね。ええ。。。どうしたの?すごい顔してるけど。
たけ: 昨日彼女をふった。
ひろ: なんだって?
たけ: 彼女は運が悪くて、貧乏で将来性がないと思って、もうお婆さんだし。服の趣味も悪いし。
ひろ: わかった。わかったよ。
たけ: まあ、とにかく、昨日彼女と別れたんだ。しまったな。
ひろ: 彼女は自分の誕生日と君の誕生日を使ったらしい。もしかしたら。。。やり直せる可能性があるかもしれない。電話してみたら。。。
たけ: ああ、それはいいアイディアだ。さっそく電話してみよう。ああ!もしもし。たけですけど。
ひろ: 聞いた?聞いた?
たけ: どうしたの?
ひろ: 山田さんが年末宝くじ当たったらしい!
たけ: マジで!
ひろ: うん、3億円だよ!!!
たけ: 3億円?
ひろ: 君たち二人は幸せだよね。ええ。。。どうしたの?すごい顔してるけど。
たけ: 昨日彼女をふった。
ひろ: なんだって?
たけ: 彼女は運が悪くて、貧乏で将来性がないと思って、もうお婆さんだし。服の趣味も悪いし。
ひろ: わかった。わかったよ。
たけ: まあ、とにかく、昨日彼女と別れたんだ。しまったな。
ひろ: 彼女は自分の誕生日と君の誕生日を使ったらしい。もしかしたら。。。やり直せる可能性があるかもしれない。電話してみたら。。。
たけ: ああ、それはいいアイディアだ。さっそく電話してみよう。ああ!もしもし。たけですけど。
ひろ: 聞いた?聞いた?
HIRO: Did you hear? Did you hear?
たけ: どうしたの?
TAKE: What happened?
ひろ: 山田さんが年末宝くじ当たったらしい!
HIRO: It seems Yamada won the year-end lottery!
たけ: マジで!
TAKE: No way!
ひろ: うん、3億円だよ!!!
HIRO: Yeah, 300 million yen!!!
たけ: 3億円?
TAKE: 300 million yen?
ひろ: 君たち二人は幸せだよね。ええ。。。どうしたの?すごい顔してるけど。
HIRO: You two must be happy, right. Umm... what's up? That's some face...
たけ: 昨日彼女をふった。
TAKE: I dumped her yesterday.
ひろ: なんだって?
HIRO: Say what?
たけ: 彼女は運が悪くて、貧乏で将来性がないと思って、もうお婆さんだし。服の趣味も悪いし。
TAKE: I was thinking... she's unlucky, she's poor and has no future. She's already old, has no fashion sense, and...
ひろ: わかった。わかったよ。
HIRO: Okay, I got it!
たけ: まあ、とにかく、昨日彼女と別れたんだ。しまったな。
TAKE: Well, anyways, we separated yesterday. I messed up.
ひろ: 彼女は自分の誕生日と君の誕生日を使ったらしい。もしかしたら。。。やり直せる可能性があるかもしれない。電話してみたら。。。
HIRO: I heard she played on her birthday and your birthday. Maybe... just maybe there's a chance you can fix things up. What if you gave her a call...
たけ: ああ、それはいいアイディアだ。さっそく電話してみよう。ああ!もしもし。たけですけど。
TAKE: Ah, now that's a good idea! I'll call her right away! Oh, hey! It's Take!
Peter: Natsuko san, どうでしたか。
Natsuko: うん。随分打算的な人ですね。
Peter: Yeah he is really calculating. What a mean guy! ひどいヤツですね。
Natsuko: うん。困ったもんですね。
Peter: 彼女はどういう反応でしょうね。
Natsuko: あ、これも続くんですか?
Peter: 決まってるでしょ。
Natsuko: ああ、やっぱりね。
Peter: Of course we are continuing this. Next week or in the next lesson, this story will evolve and we will see what she says but that’s for next week. For now, let’s take a look at the vocab.
Peter: Natsuko san, first word.
Natsuko: 年末宝くじ
Peter: Year-end lottery. 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: 年末宝くじを10枚買いました。
Peter: I bought 10 year-end lottery tickets. Next we have.
Natsuko: ふる
Peter: To dump, to get rid of.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: As in the loved one or girlfriend or somebody.
Natsuko: How about the other side?
Peter: So this is actually used quite a bit in the passive.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: ふられる
Peter: To be dumped.
Natsuko: Hey let’s change the mood.
Peter: All right, all right. Yes. Next we have
Natsuko: 貧乏
Peter: Poverty, poor.
Natsuko: Another depressing word.
Peter: Natsuko san, yes you are right but I think it’s the one you say it. If you say it like, poor, poverty, it just sounds positive.
Natsuko: Really, are you sure?
Peter: No it doesn’t okay. 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: 給料日前で貧乏なんです。
Peter: I am poor the day before payday. いい例文ですね、夏子さん。
Natsuko: ああ~給料日前だ~。
Peter: その気持ちよくわかります。Next we have
Natsuko: 将来性
Peter: Future prospects. 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: この国の将来性について、どう思いますか?
Peter: What do you think about this country’s prospects? Next we have
Natsuko: 趣味
Peter: Hobby, preference. Next.
Natsuko: 億
Peter: Counter for 100 million.
Natsuko: That’s a lot.
Peter: A lot and the numbers up around here get quite difficult. 一億 is 100 million. 十億 1 billion.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: So in English, we make that transfer with a word change 1 billion.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: But here it’s still the same counter. It’s just we have to add to that.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And that’s what I think is most confusing for me.
Natsuko: Yes the digits are kind of different. We use 万 for 10,000.
Peter: Yeah but you know, we start out with a 1000. So it’s 1000 and it’s 10,000.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: 100,000. Then change to million.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Million, 10 million, 100 million, change.
Natsuko: Yes. So the changing point is different.
Peter: And that’s what’s so tricky about those words.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: And then when you add in the yen and then you have to calculate, ah! Natsuko san, let’s change the subject.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: Next.
Natsuko: とにかく
Peter: Any way, in any case. And this doesn’t have the negative nuance that in English any way does.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: In English, sometimes any way could have a very negative nuance to it.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: So that’s just we want to point out here.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Next we have.
Natsuko: もしかしたら
Peter: Maybe, on the chance. It maybe that. Natsuko san 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: 明日、もしかしたら休むかもしれない。
Peter: I may take a day off tomorrow. There is a chance I may take the day off tomorrow. Now I like this word. Can you give it to us one more time?
Natsuko: もしかしたら
Peter: もしかしたら So in cases when you are not sure, another one of these probability words.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Natsuko san, if you use もしかしたら, what would you say the probability is, high or low?
Natsuko: Not very high.
Peter: Not very high.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So in the case of taking a day off, if I said 明日、もしかしたら休む, what’s the probability that I will take a day off?
Natsuko: Not very high. Basically he is trying to come.
Peter: Yeah. So most likely I will be at work tomorrow.
Natsuko: Yes I guess so.
Peter: All right next.
Natsuko: やり直せる
Peter: Able to start over. Can make it up. Now here we have a very, very interesting word. It’s a compound plus it is in the potential form. What two words do we combine to start with?
Natsuko: やる and 直す
Peter: やる to do, 直す to repair. To do, to repair, to redo.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Then we take やり直す and we put it into its potential form.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: By dropping the final す and replacing it with
Natsuko: せる
Peter: Yeah this we covered in our previous beginner lesson but just a quick review here. So able to start over.
Natsuko: やり直せる
Peter: And I think this is used by people all over Japan who have realized they have made a mistake.
Natsuko: Right and this word is used in more general situations as well, right?
Peter: Yeah. Can it be redone?
Natsuko: Yes redo something, redo your work, 仕事をやり直す。
Peter: Yeah but the potential form here is usually used in questions. Can it be redone?
Natsuko: やり直せる
Peter: Yeah can it be redone?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Can we get back together? Can we fix something?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Can the wrong report be fixed?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Can the mistakes in the relationship be fixed?
Natsuko: Uhoo. So it’s more like you know, fix or redo.
Peter: Yeah and again this case we are talking about the potential. So can it be? Next we have.
Natsuko: 可能性
Peter: Possibility, potential. 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: 手術が成功する可能性は低いですね。
Peter: There is a low possibility that the surgery will be a success. Natsuko san..
Natsuko: You hear a lot of these in dramas.
Peter: That’s where it came from.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: I thought you were about to say the hospital. I was like.
Natsuko: Oh yeah.
Peter: You are the one making the 暗い mood now.
Natsuko: I can’t get out of this mood. What’s happening here?
Peter: Natsuko san all right. Let’s get the last one out there and then we will go over the grammar point.
Natsuko: アイデア
Peter: Straightforward idea. 例文、お願いします。
Natsuko: もしなにかアイデアがあったら手をあげてください。
Peter: Please raise your hand if you have an idea.

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay Natsuko san, let’s talk about today’s grammar point.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: らしい
Peter: And this time we are using it with.
Natsuko: Verbs.
Peter: Yes. Now let’s take a look at today’s conversation. Let’s pull the two lines that involve this. First we have
Natsuko: 山田さんが年末宝くじ、当たったらしい。
Peter: It seems as if Yamada hit the lottery. Now a couple of interesting points here. First, where is らしい
Natsuko: At the end of the sentence.
Peter: And what form is the verb form?
Natsuko: In the past plain form
Peter: Followed by らしい. So らしい is preceded by a verb in its plain past or other plain forms. Verb in a plain form plus らしい. Okay now one thing about this sentence, we just want to point out, Natsuko san, can you give us the sentence one more time?
Natsuko: 山田さんが年末宝くじ、当たったらしい。
Peter: Now here we have 山田さん marked by が followed by 年末宝くじ but we don’t have a particle in between 宝くじ, the noun and 当たった.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: The plain past of 当たる. Now again, when we are speaking casual Japanese, I said this before and I think I like it. The more casual it is, the more particles get dropped.
Natsuko: Yes right.
Peter: So here, the particle is dropped but for reference, what particle would this be?
Natsuko: I think に.
Peter: Yes に、当たる not を.
Natsuko: 年末宝くじに、当たったらしい。
Peter: Now here ひろ the speaker, he has heard second hand, it’s not his information though with his information, he would give a much more definite statement.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: He has heard from some second hand source and that’s why he attaches らしい。
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Something heard second hand or seen but something you are not sure about.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay then we have it once more.
Natsuko: 彼女が自分の誕生日と君の誕生日を使ったらしい。
Peter: She used your birthday and their own birthday, I heard. Again she used her birthday and your birthday, I heard. I heard she used her birthday and your birthday. Again second hand information, plain past followed by らしい。
Natsuko: 使ったらしい。


Peter: All right, that’s going to do for today.
Natsuko: じゃ、また来週。


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